Post Your Daily/Weekly Numbers

1k this week

Door knocked dm leads half the day Tuesday and didn't wore a thing. Delivering a policy(which I never do) on the way home and sold a $53/month

Door knocked again on Wed and wrote $31.

So I wrote 1k in a day and a half in the field this week.

I think we should set a format to the posts. Just post numbers at top and explanations at bottom. Will make for easier reading
Had an Ok week. As some of y'all know, I'm trying to hire my own TMers cause I got kicked off a set priced DM lead system a few weeks back, so my leads have been dwindling down.

I had 14 appts this week plus a few door knocks, 5 no shows, 5 that I didn't present because they had no reason and a few that really had no money. I sold 5 apps for $2600 in AP. And I sold 2 med supps over the phone on my appointment setting day.

But I was busy this week, interviewing TMers. They weren't kidding. Managing TMers is a job in of itself. I hired and trained 2 of them this week. School started this week as well. I teach the Bible class in the morning to the teens at our church's high school.
One of my deals this week I did the least amount of work and made the most money. And my other one I did the most amount of work and made the least money.

The one was a term case where I had Jeff Root do all the heavy lifting. $19,000 AP on that one.

The other was a current client that had some old policies she just wanted help changing the beneficiaries on. These were 50+ year old policies on a company I had never heard of. We call the company and they told her she had to mail them her originals to change bennies which scared her to death. The company was in Louisville and I happened to be going there the next day anyway so I told her I would hand deliver them. I was curious about this mystery company. Could they be one of those undiscovered hidden nuggets?

So I drive the 4-hour round trip to seek my fortune. This building is right in downtown Louisville with 5-Stories of prime location and their name engraved on the building. Right across the street from Humana's monstrosity. What have I been missing all this time I thinks to myself? I'm like a kid at Christmas ready to open my presents.

I step inside and it looks like I'm in 1950. OK, so decorating ain't their thing. Helps to keep the premiums down I figure.

The security guard/greeter has to know my business there and call upstairs for guidance. I calmly tell him about the Benny changes whilst thinking " Son, I'm about to unleash the hounds of Hell on you. The most crazy-eyed, mad dog Final Expense producing army of misfits that will explode this company so big they will have to buy out Humana's building for expansion. Take me to your leader!"

I get the pass to go to the 5th floor. The elevator shakes and rattles like the rear fender of a vintage Harley but it somehow grinds it's way to floor number five. I'm in! This is the beginning of a whole new life for me. Where's the CEO? I need to see your products.

As I gaze my eyes around the room all I see is about 5-little old ladies working away at old wooden desks with stacks of paper and no computers. There were walls and walls of paper file cabinets and paper reports laying in perfect stacks. The most modern thing in that room was an autographed photo of Dean Martin. And Dean looked to be about 25-years old.

I get my bennies changed and the ol' girl really did have to hand write the changes on these old relic policies and stamp them. The policies were as fragile as the Dead Sea scrolls.

I'm pretty let down but I still had to ask...Do you guys sell much life insurance?

Oh, no. We quit selling back in the 1980's. We just maintain all the old policies.

Another balloon busted.

I drive back the 2-hours home and helped the lady transfer her cash value into a single premium policy that increased her death benefit by 40% for a total of $2,200. I made about $100 on that deal.

But I had about $50,000 worth of fun so it was all good.
I think we should set a format to the posts. Just post numbers at top and explanations at bottom. Will make for easier reading

Indiana, I like that..

1. Daily / weekly numbers

2. Explanation/stories etc.


Had an Ok week. As some of y'all know, I'm trying to hire my own TMers cause I got kicked off a set priced DM lead system a few weeks back, so my leads have been dwindling down.

I had 14 appts this week plus a few door knocks, 5 no shows, 5 that I didn't present because they had no reason and a few that really had no money. I sold 5 apps for $2600 in AP. And I sold 2 med supps over the phone on my appointment setting day.

But I was busy this week, interviewing TMers. They weren't kidding. Managing TMers is a job in of itself. I hired and trained 2 of them this week. School started this week as well. I teach the Bible class in the morning to the teens at our church's high school.

May not seem like it now, but that will pay it's divided ends in the future.
Had a busy week on some marketing activities im working on so forwarded most of my leads to other agents I work with. They submitted 15k of annual premium of FE that we split 50/50

I personally submitted 6k of FE business and 3k of tradional term business.

Not too bad for really not working too hard
Had a busy week on some marketing activities im working on so forwarded most of my leads to other agents I work with. They submitted 15k of annual premium of FE that we split 50/50

I personally submitted 6k of FE business and 3k of tradional term business.

Not too bad for really not working too hard

Nice week Matt! Certainly nothing to be ashamed about there.
One of my deals this week I did the least amount of work and made the most money. And my other one I did the most amount of work and made the least money.

The one was a term case where I had Jeff Root do all the heavy lifting. $19,000 AP on that one.

The other was a current client that had some old policies she just wanted help changing the beneficiaries on. These were 50+ year old policies on a company I had never heard of. We call the company and they told her she had to mail them her originals to change bennies which scared her to death. The company was in Louisville and I happened to be going there the next day anyway so I told her I would hand deliver them. I was curious about this mystery company. Could they be one of those undiscovered hidden nuggets?

So I drive the 4-hour round trip to seek my fortune. This building is right in downtown Louisville with 5-Stories of prime location and their name engraved on the building. Right across the street from Humana's monstrosity. What have I been missing all this time I thinks to myself? I'm like a kid at Christmas ready to open my presents.

I step inside and it looks like I'm in 1950. OK, so decorating ain't their thing. Helps to keep the premiums down I figure.

The security guard/greeter has to know my business there and call upstairs for guidance. I calmly tell him about the Benny changes whilst thinking " Son, I'm about to unleash the hounds of Hell on you. The most crazy-eyed, mad dog Final Expense producing army of misfits that will explode this company so big they will have to buy out Humana's building for expansion. Take me to your leader!"

I get the pass to go to the 5th floor. The elevator shakes and rattles like the rear fender of a vintage Harley but it somehow grinds it's way to floor number five. I'm in! This is the beginning of a whole new life for me. Where's the CEO? I need to see your products.

As I gaze my eyes around the room all I see is about 5-little old ladies working away at old wooden desks with stacks of paper and no computers. There were walls and walls of paper file cabinets and paper reports laying in perfect stacks. The most modern thing in that room was an autographed photo of Dean Martin. And Dean looked to be about 25-years old.

I get my bennies changed and the ol' girl really did have to hand write the changes on these old relic policies and stamp them. The policies were as fragile as the Dead Sea scrolls.

I'm pretty let down but I still had to ask...Do you guys sell much life insurance?

Oh, no. We quit selling back in the 1980's. We just maintain all the old policies.

Another balloon busted.

I drive back the 2-hours home and helped the lady transfer her cash value into a single premium policy that increased her death benefit by 40% for a total of $2,200. I made about $100 on that deal.

But I had about $50,000 worth of fun so it was all good.

Kentucky Home (Mutual)?
Indiana, I like that..

1. Daily / weekly numbers

2. Explanation/stories etc.


May not seem like it now, but that will pay it's divided ends in the future.

Which part lol?:goofy: