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Good job.. :noteworthy:You will learn as you go.. Much better than the guy that sits there and does nothing until he knows "all" there is to know.

Well, I kinda did that too. Maybe not all I need to know obviously, but it took a good year to pull the trigger. Spending the money to fly up and hang with Travis for a day didn't hurt either.
Wrote the first three policies of my career today, $1400 total, on two leads. Not sure I know exactly what the hell I wrote, but I wrote it just the same.

Great job Josh! First ones are always the hardest.
People are people. Folks in New England (and I lived there 7 years) are some of the warmest, friendly people I've ever encountered. Many people perceive them to be difficult because of the way they speak and no-nonsense demeanor. Those folks believe in family and most will give you the shirt off their backs.
I would think a good FE agent would do as well there as anywhere.
Only wrote 2 apps for 720 this week. Worked two half days. Yesterday was terrible. I was ready to shove a couple leads down people's