Preferred Final Expense Carrier

Very interesting what many guys think of certain companies and they're go to.

I'm sure people have their opinion about kskj, for what it's worth here's my go-to companies or that I used the most I should say.

2. Transamerica
3. Oxford
4. SNL and RNA kinda equaly
5. Gerber but now AIG since rate increase

Trying to do a little more MOO and Oxford as of recent since Oxford interview change.

I just try to give the client the best price I can which for me is KSKJ so I lead with them unless it's within a dollar or two, but that's a personal preference.

nothing wrong with leading with anything else. I know plenty of great successful agents that lead with anything but KSKJ
I have been having success with Oxford lately for the healthy folks, since I set my appointments 1 hour apart not having to do a phone interview really helps me stay on schedule. The phone part of it takes 2 minutes, I haven't tried the online only version.