
The maternity card (and similar plans) is a total waste of money.

I only suggested it because there really aren't too many options that I know about at this point. Medicaid, I suppose, is an option, but I really don't know how that works. This type of plan is at least something, especially now that a regular insurance plan is out of the question.

Honestly, I'm not a big fan of these kinds of things either, but the options are pretty limited at this point, wouldn't you agree?
He can go to the hospital and negotiate a price. I have a client that did just that and received the same contract price that Blue Cross has in place. Tell him to get coverage as soon as the baby and mother get their 6 week check up.
Or....public assistance...which i'm sure will be very humiliating for an attorney.


Difficult to get too if he is making 200K a year. Medicaid is a low-income program. No one has really presented any fact-finding type of info here.
He could be broke or he could be well heeled and just chiseler and a piker.

The other thing is that no one has established any paternity between this man and the child unless there is a court order or a marriage. Even if a man had insurance that would cover a childbirth, the insurance companies are not obligated to cover any woman he knows who is having a baby and does not have coverage. Little things like that come up. They could easily split next week and she ends out getting a lawyer and going after him for child support and to share costs of the childbirth. They need to be talking to hospitals and doctors and explore costs and payment options. She needs to determine how involved he is financially so that she can take appropriate legal action where and if necessary.

What? Do you mean "Babymomma" isn't itemized as a dependent election? How could that possibly be?
It depends on the state.

In Texas they can make $1 mill a year and get Medicaid if pregnant, there is no longer an income question.

Our system encourages and rewards irresponsible behavior and encourages people to not purchase Health Insurance.
Spot on, sonny!

But cohabitating and having unprotected sex and creating babies as a result isn't responsible? Are these people under the age of 18? Why is this even a question? They are 100% responsible for their own behavior and are 100% responsible for the results.

Therefore, no Medicaid, no health insurance, no societal support. They can go to their mommys and daddys and all their other family members for the dough. Have a Great Big We Need the Money Because We're Stupid BabyMomma/BabyDaddy Party and ask all their friends and relatives to pitch in the dough!
After hearing these comments...i think his best bet might be to consult with a Pediatrician..and try to work out some type of payment plan.

Yes, they should consult with a pediatrician before the birth. But this is only to make an arraignment beforehand concerning the well baby check-up at the hospital. This would be necessary if the couple had a particular preference in the pediatrician used for the in-hospital well baby check-up. Otherwise, the hospital will appoint a pediatrician to do the check-up. The pediatrician has nothing to do with the delivery.

The real consultation at this point should be with the hospital to negotiate price. The price negotiation with the OB/GYN should have began about six months ago (about the time she realized she was pregnant).
Well, again, your local health department "could" help you coordinate a lot of this. I went down to mine and talked to one their admin staff. I told her I sell health and wanted to know what kind of options they offered.

In my area they can hook up free prenatal checks and help coordinate delivery with local hospitals. They also have a myriad of assistance programs and all you need to do is apply.
It depends on the state.

In Texas they can make $1 mill a year and get Medicaid if pregnant, there is no longer an income question.

Our system encourages and rewards irresponsible behavior and encourages people to not purchase Health Insurance.

Do Americans have these benefits too or is this just for illegals?
