Press Release for New Insurance Business

Sigh. You're going to think I'm very full of crap.

3 Life policies, 2 med supps, 2 part d, a accident policy, and a full family major medical. Off 5 self generated free leads. The total life premiums are $75 a month for all 3, med supps were t65s worth 200 each in commission, the part d were 50 bucks a pop commission, the accident policy was a VBA worth about 120 bucks commission, and the health policy is a 5000 HSA worth about 400 bucks commission. Kicks ass for 5 hours of work total between writing the press releases, popping them into the papers via email and the driving and appointment work required to close the sales.

The 3 life policies were 1 family and they're still pending but I am supposed to write them next week. The others I wrote already. Not out of underwriting but should be no issues. 2 were uninsurable, and I helped one of them get applied to risk pool but here in TN they don't pay us for that.

Its night and day difference in closing ratios compared to internet leads.

To recap, total cost was 2 hours of work and my wife taking a picture of me in a shirt tie coat and pajama pants, writing an article then sending to all the regional papers and seeing how many would run it.

Cost = 0 + 5-6 hours work
Return = $1800 + renewals.

Before anyone just says I'm lying here, the town that produced 4 of the 5 leads was my hometown and a LOT of people there know me and didn't know I was selling insurance because I never tried the friends/family route. 3 of the 5 had some connection where they knew me somehow, like maybe I went to school with their kids or something.

I am glad I didn't do it when I first started because I wouldn't have known what the hell to do with the leads I got. Probably a perfect thing to do after you've been selling for 3-5 months and have a good grasp on plans. Before that you'd be wasting probably 1000$ or more in commissions you won't close for lack of experience.

I'm running print ads now, staggered on sundays/mondays in different markets daily papers to test ROI on that. They're working as well.

It doesn't seem to cost nearly as much as trying to do internet leads, because the internet lead vendors have gotten really out of hand with their behavior lately.
I saw in another thread you live in Cookeville. A girl I grew up with teaches at TN Tech, or at least she used to.

Sounds like you are doing well. Congratulations.
Yeah I'm actually from the next town over, Sparta.

I find insurance to be a lot of fun really, I always sort of hated insurance agents for some reason till I started doing it, now I only think bad things about like 80% of them.

The majority of people on this board seem like the ethical ones.

I got lucky finding this board, I was losing my ass trying to work EMG leads/policies to start with.

Had no idea what I was doing, and trained myself using the forum posts, the videos on IHIAA, and the videos on ILIAA. It's amazing how much information there is here and in those 2 places if you sit down and read and watch it all.
Its funny I noticed the misspelling and called the editor of the Sparta paper before it went to press, they didn't correct that, and at the same time they misspelled my name under my picture. My sister works at the paper which makes it even more awesome I guess.