Primer on Bill

I heard one of the national news babes say tonight that nothing in the bill will take effect for 4 years. You arch/neo-cons will have several election cycles to change it, repeal it, or do whatever you want to do with or about it.

I think it will pass because the Dem know that the Obama presidency is on the line and they also know that Obama is still personally popular... similar to how Regan was. People disagreed with him but they liked and respected him and a sizable number of Dems voted for him. (Jeez, he won every state except Minn. and DC in 1984!)

Popularity beats policy at the polls every time and no Dem in Congress is going to want to make a enemy of a popular president.

I remember there were a lot of very conservative Reps in the 1980s who bitterly disagreed with Reagan for not being the Goldwater conservative he said he was... but none of them wanted to "tangle" with him... because they know popularity trumps politics.

And besides, Winter said it won't happen and so far Winter has been wrong each and every time!! :yes: :laugh:

it won't happen.
they don't have enough votes in the house.
It won't happen.
They don't have enough votes in the house.

People said they didn't have enough votes to pass House bill.

People said they didn't have enough votes to pass Senate bill.

Votes can be bought.
Bribery is good, but fear is better. For any Dem who votes against this thing, the next day Nancy is going to move their office next to a urinal in the basement of the Capitol, their name will never go on another piece of legislation, even as a co-author, their pork will be frozen, DNC money will dry up, and the White Houses's political operatives will "sponsor" someone to run against the errant representative in the next primary. The President will do all in his power to deal these guys the biggest s--t sandwich they ever saw!

Good grief, guys. How do you think Lyndon Johnson got voting rights and public accommodations through the Congress when he was president?

If a President and a Speaker team up and do a full-court press on the House to pass a bill, it is damn hard for anyone in their party to vote "no" because there WILL BE repercussions and punishment.

It's a bit harder in the Senate as they don't run every 2 years, but brute-force power works there as well... just differently than in the House.

or the democrat that casts the "nay" that kills the bill will be re-elected in November and he'll/she'll become minority leader in Jan '11.
Good grief, guys. How do you think Lyndon Johnson got voting rights and public accommodations through the Congress when he was president?

I have never said it will not pass, I actually would say the odds are much higher in favor of passing than not passing as of today... significantly higher to "pass" than not "pass" the "as is" bill then fight over modifications later.

People can keep denying this all day long - but denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Or the democrat that casts the "nay" that kills the bill will be re-elected in November and he'll/she'll become minority leader in Jan '11.

You don't seriously believe this?
Obama is in a no-win situation now. Instead of sponsoring and fighting for a clean piece of legislation and following a clean process he has created a mess. Bill does not pass? Start dealing with that mess the following week. Bill does pass? Start dealing with that mess the following week.

The best thing that could happen for the dems would be for the bill to not pass and then they could swing around and start supporting pieces that are not dirty and stupid and enact a few before fall. Or, they an pass the bill in dirty form through a dirty process and walk around with doo-doo on their shoes until November.

In regard to the current bill, they dont have the votes unless they buy some more, which is well under way. If they get the votes it will be so dirty that it will blow up on them (again) when it is revealed how they got those votes. It's a mess.

Heard yesterday that some of the fence-sitting reps are being treated to a trip on Air Force One. That's just childish for gawd's sake. Put a goddam health reform bill together and learn something about the legislative process. and how to get a bill through Congress, including public hearings. The dems are just completely lost without Teddy. Also Obama had expected to have Taxmaster Tom Daschel run the process for him which didnt work out .So instead we got dead fish Rahm handing out goodies and busting heads chicago style.

What a mess.
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