- 1,432
Each time I put a video on one of my PPC landing pages my conversions went up substantially.
The videos play for under 60 seconds.
I wrote some code that keeps the video from loading if the visitor has a slower connection. However, few people have dial up today. So that may not matter much any more.
These are pages that people will typically visit once.
The conversions for my private medical insurance form went up by about 25% (not 25% of the number of visitors, 25% of the number who previously converted) when I added the video. I got similar feedback for the pages I have dedicated to auto and other lines.
If you have enough traffic to make the statistics meaningful, you can do a simple A B test and not depend on opinions and guesswork.
Simply keep track of your traffic and bounce rate for a week (or some statistically meaningful period of time) then add the video for the next week. Your stats should tell you what to do.
The middle weeks of the month tend to be better for testing. I tend to get more traffic during the first and last weeks of the month, although the conversion rate stays pretty constant.
The videos play for under 60 seconds.
I wrote some code that keeps the video from loading if the visitor has a slower connection. However, few people have dial up today. So that may not matter much any more.
These are pages that people will typically visit once.
The conversions for my private medical insurance form went up by about 25% (not 25% of the number of visitors, 25% of the number who previously converted) when I added the video. I got similar feedback for the pages I have dedicated to auto and other lines.
If you have enough traffic to make the statistics meaningful, you can do a simple A B test and not depend on opinions and guesswork.
Simply keep track of your traffic and bounce rate for a week (or some statistically meaningful period of time) then add the video for the next week. Your stats should tell you what to do.
The middle weeks of the month tend to be better for testing. I tend to get more traffic during the first and last weeks of the month, although the conversion rate stays pretty constant.