Well thats what AARP told him. He even wrote it down on the back of his policy.
I don't have any info on AARP renwal rates but $ 128 doesn't sound like it would be far off... What other meds or medical history does this guy have now, beside the CA 3 yrs ago? (which shouldn't be a factor with the right company).
I calculated Monu 75 n/s @ Std rate for 14K and it comes to $ 183.82
Providing he doesn't have any coronary issues and doesn't have diabetes or other health problems he should be able to qualify for Assurity SIWL and 14K is $ 139.89. That ole boy oughta jump on that with 4 feet... unless he knows for sure he is gunna die in the next 5 yrs...
So what else does he have in the way of health issues beside the CA 3yrs ago?