Quotit Joins the Forum

Have to call it as I see it. 30 years in the biz and buying shared leads? Smells funny.

You're not far behind - 16 years in the biz? Waiting for your next deal? Sounds like a movie called "health insurance - what not to do."
Dave (and anyone else who cares), I wrote very little personal production from late 70's until a few years ago. My income was derived mostly from overrides from sub-agents.

Biggest mistake I made was not getting into personal production full time until a few years ago . . . after my overrides collapsed almost overnight.

My override income went from $18k+ per month to $3k in less than 6 months. That was when I left the business (but kept my license) for several years.

End of story.
Looks like "Crabcake Johnny" is starting to come unglued again.

Pretty soon (after he calms down, that is) he'll make his 247th post about not doing personal attacks ever again...

...until the 248th, that is.

Hey Paul I will say this. The Rays have one hell of a Team, I dont watch them much, since I am a cub fan, and dont pay much attention to the AL. I enjoyed the series, Cubs just fell apart, and the Rays drove it home.
Hey Paul I will say this. The Rays have one hell of a Team, I dont watch them much, since I am a cub fan, and dont pay much attention to the AL. I enjoyed the series, Cubs just fell apart, and the Rays drove it home.

They really have an exciting team. You could see it coming the last couple of years, even though it was painful to watch.

Crosstown series this weekend -- better luck against the South Siders!
Actually you're close, but off a little bit. It was 17 years in April.

This week so far, I've done three...(all monthly premiums) $353, $154 (HSA), and $760 (two 55 year old smokers).

I'm taking a phone app at 1:30 today. Family of four, $437 a month.

Wow...that's amazing. I've done 16 deals this week. Man..I love internet message boards.
Wow...that's amazing. I've done 16 deals this week. Man..I love internet message boards.

Let me give you an unsolicited tip, although it's probably too late.

The ceaseless "promotion du jour" that you've foisted on this board for a couple of years now, has a consequence. While perhaps unintended...

It totally destroys your credibility.
On a separate note, Paul, Bob and John have been arguing for 3+ years now, and I am pretty sure that their banter is cathartic to them. We are happy to provide a catharsis service. The best thing about watching is that every observer has a different idea of who is winning.

Great post, Sam.

I don't have any therapy bills to cut down on, but if I did...

Just tryin' to keep 'em honest.