Quotit Joins the Forum

I agree with Joe that both Norvax and Quotit have some nice features that can pay for themselves, but that each one has much room for improvement. When Delphin from Norvax came here he addressed some mentioned concerns, and he tried to pass out some free leads, but his threads also seemed to end up like this one.

Mark, if you do stick around, you might find some good tips of how to make your products better. Al has a separate ax to grind with me, capitalism and most of the world, so I wouldn't read too much into what he says, but he is a real tech guy and you might be able to learn something about how to make your products better if you talk to him.

Quotit and Norvax don't need to advertise on the forum, discussions like this will inevitably get them some customers anyway.

On a separate note, Paul, Bob and John have been arguing for 3+ years now, and I am pretty sure that their banter is cathartic to them. We are happy to provide a catharsis service. The best thing about watching is that every observer has a different idea of who is winning.

I have done a little research here and looked at the posts, and counts of posts, of some of the members. I know the identify of a few of the members, and their affiliations.

Regarding the member with the axes to grind, and the sponsored association chief... I'm not here to bash competitors, or anybody. My competitors are worthy with their own strengths, weaknesses and differences. I have a great deal of familiarity with most of them, of course. I believe competitors can respect each other. Recently, I presented at the same conference. It was a valuable experience and the other company did quite well with their presentation, it was quite entertaining.

I will try to stick around, as you say, but I will certainly choose my discussion points. I am not going to slug it out about the virtues/evils of capitalism. I also will try to help out.... I know insurance tech fairly well, from 20+ years insurance and tech experience. I will always try to keep my comments middle of the road and not slanted towards any company. Yes, in my introductory notes I have been somewhat biased of course, because I believe in my company and in a larger sense in what we're trying to do.

Please feel free to reach me via private message in this forum if you have any questions or anything specific you would like to contribute towards the improvement of our services. Since programming proposal software for Life insurance back in 1987, I have been working with agents and tech for a long time... but sometimes that is dangerous... new ideas are essential to continued improvement, and I appreciate your input.

M from Q
Al has a separate ax to grind with me, capitalism and most of the world, so I wouldn't read too much into what he says,

Sam, I have no ax to grind with you. You and I disagree on how to run an industry-centric web-board. But with you everything is ALWAYS a zero-sum game. With me it is just a difference of opinion... you don't have to lose for me to win. If you call that an "ax," well so be it. With so many people here is is always "I'm right, you're wrong." (Zero-sum) Look at Tim and I. We don't hate each other. He's not 100% wrong and me 100% right? He even invited me to dinner. (And he is terrified I might come. Don't worry, Tim. Rightly or wrongly, I still have a healthy fear of Alabama state or city police! Both my wife and Alabama really don't want an "outside agitator" to come there! :yes:)

You folks need to understand how to READ. You need to understand that not everything said here is said with a "my way or highway" conviction.

Also, this is the internet... not real life. The collective memory here is about 30 minutes. Tomorrow, Paul and John will be best-friends again. It's a flow. Go with it!

but he is a real tech guy and you might be able to learn something about how to make your products better if you talk to him.

Not so much anymore... I really burned out of high tech. However, as for Q-it and N-vax, both are pretty good systems from a tech standpoint. They both lack in the "people" component.

Try this. Go to the Quotit site and send a question to them as if you are a prospective customer and see how long it takes them to get back to you. I hope if is sooner than it did for me... which was never! (N-vax is was not much better.)

Both these firms are run by techies... not by business people in my opinion... but by coming here both are getting better at it as they will hear what they don't know from the members of this board and both will be a lot better for it... as both have improvements they can make on the support and sales side.

The Jackass
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He even invited me to dinner. (And he is terrified I might come. Don't worry, Tim. Rightly or wrongly, I still have a healthy fear of Alabama state or city police! Both my wife and Alabama really don't want an "outside agitator" to come there!

You might suggest he fix the "Alabama Seven Course Gourmet Dinner".

Possum and a six-pack.
I had an older neighbor - about as bitter as they come. Everything sucked - everything was a con or a scam. Everyone has nefarious reasons for any altruistic gesture.

You could work at a soup kitchen on the weekends feeding the poor and he'd "smell a rat."

A lot of parallels.
With so many people here is is always "I'm right, you're wrong." (Zero-sum) Look at Tim and I. We don't hate each other. He's not 100% wrong and me 100% right? He even invited me to dinner. (And he is terrified I might come. Don't worry, Tim. Rightly or wrongly, I still have a healthy fear of Alabama state or city police! Both my wife and Alabama really don't want an "outside agitator" to come there! :yes:)

You folks need to understand how to READ. You need to understand that not everything said here is said with a "my way or highway" conviction.

The Jackass

Al, gotta give you a pat-on-the-back for this part of your post. Don't worry, its an open-palm pat...very high-on-the-shoulder...no concealed weapons or anything like that.;)

This IS the internet. Emails and message boards are great, but they cannot convey tone of voice, inflections, and other nuances that are present in voice-to-voice conversation. We all need to read with discernment.:idea:

And, Al....the dinner invitation still stands. Went for lunch to a local BBQ restaurant (.......ready for a :SLEEP: now.......) and was expecting you to walk through the door and ask for my table at just any moment. Don't worry, we are far enough from B'ham (1 hour) that you should experience no nervous jitters.:jiggy:
I had an older neighbor - about as bitter as they come. Everything sucked - everything was a con or a scam. Everyone has nefarious reasons for any altruistic gesture.

You could work at a soup kitchen on the weekends feeding the poor and he'd "smell a rat."

A lot of parallels.

Reminds me of an old deacon from a church where I was a musician back in '97. Just about every Sunday morning I'd see him coming in his light-blue and white pinstriped suit and greet him with, "Good morning, Mr. Walker, how's it going this morning?" Without fail, he'd always say, "Ahhhh....just got an old case of the mulley-grubs." :nah:(For those not familiar with Alabama vernacular, that means he was down-in-the-dumps about something.) -- There was another one from back around '91 or '92....every Sunday, he's come to me to comment on the music.....he response was always............(and he was trying to be half-way funny:cool:)............"eeehhhhhhh....it was tolerable."

Just love those over-the-top positive folks.:arghh: