Reform: Ted Kennedy's Big Plans (allegedly)

She's not exactly what you would

She is not married and does not have kids but as a Latina she can automatically make a better decision about cases that come before the Court that involves society- unlike any white guys on the court who may have families. Okay fine.

Perhaps we shall learn more about her interests when the Senate reviews the list of DVD's she has rented in the last year as they did with Clarence Thomas.
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She was married to Kevin Edward Noonan (I seriously doubt any relation to Peggy Noonan, though!) from 76 to 83, no children. Doesn't mean she was never "with child" though. Do you think she's going to have to release her medical records?
Nope, that's Danny (not Denny), but wow, did you pull that one out of a really deep, dark place!!!
There seems to be a conflict. I definitely read she was never married. I don't really care, but I went back and looked, the following was added to the story I read previously:

She and Kevin Noonan were married after graduation. They divorced seven years later.

So, I stand corrected.
