Reform: Ted Kennedy's Big Plans (allegedly)

"Or maybe he has been banned from doing business with medicare for overbilling or fraud. We must remain open-minded here.

Since she was appointed by Obama, I just assume that either she or the hubster have tax problems. Did we forget to mention that she has a "compelling story."

Winter, I happy that you want to be open-minded here. Tell us how your really feel!. I see your hate for this women. Is this because she is a well educated women, and especially because she is Hispanic?
"Or maybe he has been banned from doing business with medicare for overbilling or fraud. We must remain open-minded here.

Since she was appointed by Obama, I just assume that either she or the hubster have tax problems. Did we forget to mention that she has a "compelling story."

Winter, I happy that you want to be open-minded here. Tell us how your really feel!. I see your hate for this women. Is this because she is a well educated women, and especially because she is Hispanic?

Okay, well let's examine this.

First of all in love and politics I will confess that I am not above getting down and dirty. Thank you for asking.

Second. As Bette Midler says "I have standards. They are very, very low but I do have them." Thus my standards of decency in the treatment of Supreme Court nominees are higher than Obama's.

Obummer called for a filibuster of Alito simply because he was not of the same political persuasion as Bush and Alito and wanted to play politics along the way- beyond the usual Senate hearings process. That is not something I would do with Sontomeyeronto. That does not mean that the Senate must bend over and not ask questions that go to the issues of judicial temperament and interpretation of the law and constitution. The Senate is in fact required to do that by the Constitution - all Senators.

In addition, Obama said about Alito that his views were "un-American." That is not something I would wipe on Sontosaurus right out of the starting gate as Obama did. I am not saying that I couldnt get there with select politicians and judges but it is not something that I would wipe on a supreme court nominee just to play politics. McCarthy?

So, I take under advisement your caution to remain open minded, and let us hope that she gets better treatment than the little twit you elected President gave to someone who is most-likely a fine American, even if not as good as a Latina.

On a lighter note, tis going to be fun to watch the Court (Alito included of course) reverse Sontomeyers New Haven firefighters decision right while she is in the confirmation process. Now that's entertainment!

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Perhaps we shall learn more about her interests when the Senate reviews the list of DVD's she has rented in the last year as they did with Clarence Thomas.

I can still hear Strom Thurmond questioning him in that slowwwwww southern drawl:

"Judge it true that you refer to your penis as...long...dong...silver?"

I can still hear Strom Thurmond questioning him in that slowwwwww southern drawl:

"Judge it true that you refer to your penis as...long...dong...silver?"


Obama is a Harvard Law grad and a former constitutional law instructor. The irony is that if he were nominated as a Supreme Court Justice he could not pass the FBI background check.

Now there are some who will cry foul when I say that but it is just a fact of life. Cocaine use, Rezco real estate fraud to avoid kickback appearance, Bill and Bernandine Ayers associations, Rev. Wright/Farrakan/Morimar Ghadafi connection, etc. It would be a tough confirmation hearing before you even got to the judicial qualifications piece. Getting elected President is about the only way he could get security clearance.

Gone are the days, many, many moons ago when that gal stepped down from nomination because she had been a bunny at the Playboy Club in Boston. What a lightweight. She should have just plowed through that one and dished it out along the way. Not Zoe Baird but right in that sequence. Can't remember.