Registered Reps, B-D's, Dropping Your Securites License

The way I do business and market, the B/D hasn't been too much of an issue. It does cost over $5,000 a year between E&O, registration, and tech fees.
1.) 6, 7, 26, 63, 66

2.) Woodbury Financial

3.) You will always need investments to satisfy long-term goals and insurance to cover the "defensive" side of the strategy.
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I'm 7/65 - Yes, compliance can be an annoyance, but it's worth it to be able to offer a wide range of securities to best match the needs of the client. If an FIA is called for, great. VA, great. REIT, ETF, you bet. 1000 shares of GOOG, I'm there. Personally, I don't think that cramming someone into an FIA because that's the closest thing to a security that you can offer is always going to be in the best interest of the client.

We're dealing with people's lives, life savings, retirement, family, security and legacy here. That kind of responsibility shouldn't be easy.


This was very well stated. Agreed!!!!
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