Renting Booth Space in Fairs


1000 Post Club
Does anyone have any experience with working booths at fairs and other similar venues?

I have some co-op advertising dollars to spend before the end of the year, and for some reason the idea of purchasing a portable booth that I can use at fairs has come to mind.

I primarily sell health insurance and thought that I would attend job fairs and fairs that attract small business owners.

Is there a recommended place to purchase your booth from?

Is there an easy way to find out when fairs will be in one's area?

I'd love feedback from anyone who has had experience with this form of promotion.

Look in your area for Trade Shows, I only do these twice a year during Spring and Summer Home shows, We have a portable (huge display) provided by our Group, It has been very successful for me, during this time of year. We display on the Back drop "Free Health Insurance Quotes" and if you and a partner team up, it works so much better, You both will be able to tell which are good leads and which are not.
I have sold products, not Insurance, at many different venues over the years. Everything from Mall Kiosks, Sport & RV Shows, Home Shows, County Fairs, Flea Markets, Business Expos, Horse Shows, etc.., you name it. I've also promoted shows of my own. I think they are a great source of contacts. You don't really need to purchase a booth to be successful, however, I would recommend that you purchase a custom made table cover, with your business name and information on it, also a custom back back drop, or banner, to go behind your booth. Most booth space is sold in either, 8 x 10ft or 10 x 10ft increments. The cost of a booth, is all over the board. I've done shows that cost me as little as $10.00 a day, to shows that cost $1800.00 for multiple days. Average being $350.00 to $700.00, for a small multi-day show. Most big shows, charge a separate fee for everything, electric, liability insurance, move in fees, cleaning, lighting, etc. Small shows, and most one day shows, everything is usually included in the price, except liability insurance, some shows will allow you to sign a waiver, and some shows won't even mention insurance at all. I intend to include this type of marketing for my insurance business, as I'm very comfortable in this environment. Your personality will play a huge roll in your success at shows, you must be a good people person, with a sense of humor. To find shows look for their ads, if you don't see any of their advertising, I would stay away from that show, thats usually a sign for a poor turnout. Don't be surprised to find a waiting list for some of the successful shows, a good promoter, will have a good following. I would be more than happy to answer any questions. Either post them, or PM me.
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I thought about this as welll... However I run a call center and my mind works a little different...

What do you do when the 400lb morbidly obese person walks up to the booth eating a funnel cake and wants a quote? Do you run the quote knowing they will never qualify or do you hand them a brochure for your state pool?

I just have this fear of someone screaming or making a scene when I tell them they won't qualify based on h/w or medical conditions and causing a big scene.

Maybe I am being too paranoid...
I thought about this as welll... However I run a call center and my mind works a little different...

What do you do when the 400lb morbidly obese person walks up to the booth eating a funnel cake and wants a quote? Do you run the quote knowing they will never qualify or do you hand them a brochure for your state pool?

I just have this fear of someone screaming or making a scene when I tell them they won't qualify based on h/w or medical conditions and causing a big scene.

Maybe I am being too paranoid...

Customer service, is customer service.

That being said, the 400lb obese person with the funnel cake, may just be looking for the cotton candy booth, and stumbled upon your booth by mistake.

That being said, the 400lb obese person with the funnel cake, may just be looking for the cotton candy booth, and stumbled upon your booth by mistake.

Just like when they stumble on my website too... lol...
There are a lot of mini fairs going on all the time. Some are held at local schools, churches, libraries or community centers, etc. You get the picture.

You could contact your local Chamber, various chapters like AA (lol...kidding), OverEaters Anonymous, support groups. And try your local government offices.

I found one at a local assisted living home, although that one was poorly attended. Go figure.