Replacement Rant

The thing is every part of this was FE.

The client is the prime demographic. Or was, now almost to old.
The original policy is an FE policy.
The Lead was a DM
The agent proposed a Foresters FE product.
The few thousand I will add will be an FE product.

No, I don't think this this guy is the majority of the FE guys we see here of on the other forum I read. But they are definitely out there. Anything can be justified in our own minds.
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Replacements have a place and a time. That being said though, we are back again to the character of the agent. This is where the rubber meets the road, and the question is still, how does the replacement benefit the insured?

I personally have replaced policies that where just too much of a financial burden on the insured, who would have (in their own words) just stopped paying for it.
I didn't say all FE Agents were like that, but I do see how that could have been inferred. There is a large segment of the people in that business that are that way, some because it suits them, and others because of training.

When I first started, the situation that Wino described is exactly what I was taught to do by our group manager. Trick people into thinking that they have hidden money that needs to be removed from the policy and write another one. I thought that was horse manure back then, and still feel the same way.

I'm sorry if that offended you, but that situation is too common to be ignored. Besides, nobody in the FE forum cares what I think anyway. It's practically unbearable for them that we are starting threads up in this piece.
You are still painting all FE producers with the same broad brush.. What is the basis of your having such a low opinion of the whole group? I have known slime balls in the upscale markets, the health markets, the college markets, P&C etc...But just because they exist in all insurance markets doesn't mean all insurance agents are slime balls.. You don't have to apologize to me because your statements speak more of you than me.
You are still painting all FE producers with the same broad brush.. What is the basis of your having such a low opinion of the whole group? I have known slime balls in the upscale markets, the health markets, the college markets, P&C etc...But just because they exist in all insurance markets doesn't mean all insurance agents are slime balls.. You don't have to apologize to me because your statements speak more of you than me.

Okay, I shouldn't have responded to your comment. You have taken some swipes at me for no apparent reason. If you can read, I didn't paint them all with the same brush as you say. I thought by "apologizing" to you, you would be satisfied and drop it. However, for some strange reason you persist and also seem to have a reading comprehension problem.

Btw, that "more about you than me" is a ridiculously pompous statement. When you're writing of course it says something about you. Your ability to engage and interact in a constructive and edifying manner. Why don't you make a brilliant statement like "the clothes you wear reflect your sense of style".
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Okay, I shouldn't have responded to your comment. You have taken some swipes at me for no apparent reason. If you can read, I didn't paint them all with the same brush as you say. I thought by "apologizing" to you, you would be satisfied and drop it. However, for some strange reason you persist and also seem to have a reading comprehension problem.

Your comments suggest that you have imaginary axes to grind. Just fork off and ignore me, I can't have everyone as a member of my fan club, there isn't enough room.
I have nothing against you... And, I don't think I have a reading comprehension problem but you do seem to have a low opinion of FE agents..I was just wondering why. As I said, "no apology needed" ..
I have a reading comprehension problem

:err:...I understand rouse, I have a cut and past issue as well. :laugh:...

Sorry for the dumb humor... had to fill out yet another death claim today...:sad:...but I was able to help the daughter out on her water heater problem... not a plumber just my dad's son.
I would almost willing to give odds the Banker's Agent is no longer in the business... or at least not with Bankers now..

Oh I know she is not. Between me and JD we ran into the most blatant crap that agent pulled of anyone I've ever seen. No concern with replacing with much worse terms for people and very obvious clean sheeting. But you have to partially blame the Bankers company for allowing it when called out.

I had one Med Sup case on a lady with fairly advanced Parkinson's Disease. She had the symptoms. She had the meds. And she never lied about the disease. But somehow that same Bankers agent missed the Parkinson's question on a Med Sup app. Checked no. Policy was issued. Canceled the Med Sup she had since age 65 (4-years earlier).
I am glad we all only have a couple stories (some more than others) to tell about shady things like this. In poker, everyone tells you their bad beat stories, but rarely do they talk about the wins.

What some agents will do for a few bucks is almost unbelievable, but I am just glad it does not happen as much as agents really doing what is best for the client.

I always try to get the "bad" agent's business card and see if I could possible get him to come work with us and get trained to do things ethically. It doesn't always happen, but many times they were taught bad habits and have no idea they are bad.

When I first started, I was taught some things that were not right, but I had no idea they were not right. I would have let the insurance department WATCH me do them because I was from small town Mississippi and just didn't know that people would teach you to do things that were not ethical/legal.

The insurance business helped me realize REALLY quickly that not everyone has your best interest in mind :)
I am glad we all only have a couple stories (some more than others) to tell about shady things like this. In poker, everyone tells you their bad beat stories, but rarely do they talk about the wins.

What some agents will do for a few bucks is almost unbelievable, but I am just glad it does not happen as much as agents really doing what is best for the client.

I always try to get the "bad" agent's business card and see if I could possible get him to come work with us and get trained to do things ethically. It doesn't always happen, but many times they were taught bad habits and have no idea they are bad.

When I first started, I was taught some things that were not right, but I had no idea they were not right. I would have let the insurance department WATCH me do them because I was from small town Mississippi and just didn't know that people would teach you to do things that were not ethical/legal.

The insurance business helped me realize REALLY quickly that not everyone has your best interest in mind :)
Good post.. I am firmly convinced the good agents far outnumber the bad.. That is the reason I took umbrage when it seemed to me all the FE agents were being lumped in as unethical ones...