S or LLC Corporation?

Whatever you do, don't hire and consult with a business and tax professional who has experience in these types of matters.

Instead take a vote on this public forum and see what they say and use that information to make critical decisions on your business structure, formation, legal, and tax issues.

In all his glory...
So with all the crying you have done on this forum about useless posts, you add this useful piece of info?
Mike didn't like the way he is treated and so he is now acting like a bigger moron that he accused us all of being. The great news here is that he will soon be gone. Take a look at what the baby has to show you Mr Richman. I believe he is "in all his glory"
Whatever you do, don't hire and consult with a business and tax professional who has experience in these types of matters.

Instead take a vote on this public forum and see what they say and use that information to make critical decisions on your business structure, formation, legal, and tax issues.

In all his glory...

Huh good idea never thought of this idea! :biggrin: