Safeco's study "The State Of Women in Insurance"

You should care, you never know when you might identify as a woman and have your pay decrease immediately by 13 to 30%. That's just the way it works

Oooh. Can I identify as a female so I can- live longer, less likely to commit suicide, less likely to struggle in school, less likely to go to prison, less likely to be a victim of violence, less likely to be homeless, as well as many other benefits, then switch to a male on payday, then switch back? Gender is a choice, right? I like this idea. Thank god the left educated me on gender. My dumbass used to think I was always going to be stuck with the numerous disadvantages of being a male for my whole life, now I know I can identify however I want.
if this was a far-right publication, I likely wouldnt have believed the "data"

As opposed to checking the data

You know I have found through checking the Data there are WAY more lies on the more liberal channels and way more blatent

Its important to check the data regardless left or right You will be surprised on the truth more than you know
^^^^^ I think the National pay discrepancy in the US is like 87 cents to a dollar. In Insurance its 67 cents to a dollar. So if 87 cents to the $ indicative to everything you state above. why the extra 20 cent discrepancy in our industry?

That number is specifically insurance "sales agents".

Tell me; what is the likely difference in compensation structures between people in sales and people not in sales?


I'm not aware of any agency, anywhere, where sex was factored into the commission structure.
As opposed to checking the data

You know I have found through checking the Data there are WAY more lies on the more liberal channels and way more blatent

Its important to check the data regardless left or right You will be surprised on the truth more than you know

There are also more women going to college than men. Yet another one of the many, many, many privileges of being a woman.