Same sex partners

I actually don't see the issue except for possibly not getting a family discount, however there's never discounts for just two applicants, normally 4 applicants have to be on the plan.

Aside from that I can have my own plan and my wife can have her own and it's neither here nor there.

What the gay community has been fighting for is the ability to make medical decisions regarding pulling the plug or organ donation.
Several states have laws that require insurance companies to offer benefits to domestic partnerships. I recall that there was a court case, maybe in CT, where a gay couple sued to get benefits under this provision. I will try to find the case later. In addition, large groups can usually decide on their own if they want to allow benefits to domestic partners, and that will usually include gay couples.

As far as children go, gay men or women can adopt children legally. Once an adoption is finished, the children would be entitled to benefits like any natural child would.