Same sex partners

If you mean I have no problem with people being gay and that I have many homosexual friends of both sexes and that it is no business of mine or anyone else (especially the Huckabilly crowd) who marries whom or who does what with whom... you are right. Happy now?

Another subject we agree on. I forgot to put a smilie after my comment. It was said in jest.

Maybe it's time health insurance was issued for an INDIVIDUAL, not a family. I do understand this presents a problem with group, but I'm sure our elected officials can come up with a great alternative.

Maybe it's time health insurance was issued for an INDIVIDUAL, not a family. I do understand this presents a problem with group, but I'm sure our elected officials can come up with a great alternative.


Do carriers ever check to see that a dependent is married to the employee?

If man puts his live-in girl friend on his group policy... saying he is married and she is his wife... yes it is fraud... but would it ever get caught? Is there a database that the carriers can hit to see IF the dependent on your policy is actually your spouse (or child)? Maybe a hit on the SSN database? MIB?

Different last names might trigger an investigation. If the claims were high enough all it would take would be for the company to ask for the marriage certificate.

But I'm sure there's no shortage of fraud. The real fraud that's very hard for carriers to catch comes from doctors submitting fake claims. There's scams where people are paid to see a doctor so they have a "real" patient and social security number.

After that either no treatment is performed or unnecessary treatment is performed so the doctor can get paid. In some more brutal cases immigrants are paid to have unnecessary surgery.

You have busses that gets into an accident in LA and 10 people run onto the bus.

It's that kind of fraud what carriers use real investigators.
In the State of Colorado a couple (not sure about gay couple) can be together for a day and it can be considered a common law marriage.

I have written numerous policies where it was a common law and the insurance companies never even batted an eye at it.