Schmoozing for Business


1000 Post Club
For 2009 I have added a new tool in the tool box of marketing even though its the oldest.

The art of the schmooze.

So I took a prospect out for drinks and picked up the tab every where we went. At the end of the evening he told he would have the info I needed to quote sent to me this week.

Another prospect group I was hanging with the owner and the son. I paid not only for there drinks but their cigars too. Hung out with them for a good 3 hours.
I hope to get the OK to quote there group this week.

At this point I will not only save them money on benefits and offer top customer service but I will cover there expense when hanging out with them.

The only thing I use to cover was lunches. At this point drinks are on me.

Anyone else have feedback on schoomzing?
Bought a client Burger King the other day. Now he's dodging my calls.

I offered to get him the king size, but he didn't bite. Maybe I should have pushed it...
There are those potential customers that can "out schmooze a schmoozer". Those pros can and will give you a lesson.

Schmoozing isn't necessary. If it is someone that you want to socialize with, then I say go socialize... but to attempt to buy their loyalty with a few shots of vodka or a meal isn't a sound biz strategy, IMO. You'll have some boozers stroke you, saying they will get you the data, blah, blah... if they remember...

I for one think if you spent that same time and money prospecting or on buying leads, you would be money ahead... but I ain't much of a schmoozer to someone that I wouldn't otherwise spend social time with... but that is just me.
Right across Dale Mabry from Mons Venus....

"I haven't been in a scrip club in like two years now..."
- Adam Pacman (and PhD candidate) Jones

Dale Mabry... now that brings back some memories... like Dec of 72. DM and Gandy Blvd, (near)... robbed @ gunpoint at a place called the Pad Lounge... not kewl. Back in the days when I WAS bulletproof, and of course I didn't give up my 50 bucks and my new watch w/o a scuffle, like an ***. Just like a western movie, bonked on the head with the butt of the pistol, I didn't go down, and the 3 of them took my junk and went. I must have been under the influence of red-pop or something... TDY @ MacDill was the reason for my visit, and I haven't been back to Tampa since, other than to drive through quite a few times.
I will post how it pans out with these two group prospects. One I am quoting for sure the other is still a bit up in the air.


It I am telling I am not selling
Buying a few drinks may work for picking up women, but not necessarily for clients.

If you have to get them drunk to buy your line, maybe you need to work a bit harder on your pick up.

That applies to women or clients . . .
There are those potential customers that can "out schmooze a schmoozer". Those pros can and will give you a lesson.

Yes. No offense to ABC, I like reading his posts, and if it works for him, great.

I haven't schmoozed in years. In fact, unless they are a current client, I act like I left my wallet at home when the bill comes. They're lucky that I would even agree to meet with them in the first place.

I got burned a few years ago, by an AH pretending that he was rich and trying to get a large life policy on his 80 year old mother. He conned me into buying him beer at one meeting and lunch at another.

Well, I sent the app to 5 different carriers, and worked feverishly on it for months. We got his mother issued Std+ table 2 with Banner which was excellent, and better than expected.

He didn't have the money to pay one premium, let alone keep the policy in force. This AH was a professional time waster.