Scope of Appointment Storage, How Are Agents Doing It?

Got SOA's from everyone, and regardless how apps were handled, I plan to file them until such time when my basement floods and all is destroyed.
In light of HR6331 a.k.a. MIPPA, how are agents storing Scope of Appointment forms? Are most of the carriers doing this? Filing cabinets? Hoping they don't get audited?

Looking forward to the feedback!

Get a cheap document scanner, i bought a used off of ebay, and scan them into your computer. Most scanners are rechargeable and you can do it right in the beneficiaries house.
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I congratulate my fellow agents. There are some very creative answers here. I personally put mine on microfilm. I then leave a copy at my attorneys office in my ''in case of untimely death file" and I bury a second one in my back yard.

So I may comply with the authorities on a moments notice I keep a copy on a flash drive worn around my neck, in a hidden file of course in case the drive gets lost or stolen.
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I have been thinking of adding a scanner to my Battle Wagon. Battery and very compacted would be a big plus. Any recommendations?


Get a cheap document scanner, i bought a used off of ebay, and scan them into your computer. Most scanners are rechargeable and you can do it right in the beneficiaries house.
A Visioneer roadwarrior runs off the usb port on your computer. Very compact. Decent job. Not cheap.
