Search Box


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
I want to add a SIMPLE search box to my site and limit the search to one page only, not the entire site. I don't want Google Ads and I have looked at hosted search boxes such as Atomz (which also uses ads). None of these fit me need.

Does anyone have a recommendation for something simple (HTML, java) that I can plug in my page to perform the search function for visitors?
Looks cool, might be useful to find another site that uses their search box.

If you use the free version, I hope you don't mind their logo all over the search results.

Not bad at all though. lot's of nice features....keep this in mind though:

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=-2][FONT=Arial, Helvetica][SIZE=-1](sites limited to 64MB of HTML)

I don't know if that will be a problem for you or not.
Just a quick smart a-- reply here. Is your site that confusing that a visitor would need a search feature to find what they're looking for? If so, I'd work on simplifying the site to make the visitor experience more pleasant.
Dear Smart A**

No, I don't think it is that confusing and neither do most who visit my site. However I want to make a change based on conversations with a buddy who has the #1 site for COBRA information and my SEO guy. That COBRA site gets 2200+ unique IP hits daily.

I don't expect to match his success, but I do know enough to emulate something that is working for someone else.

That change will require reworking one page and generating a search box for that page (which will become pages of information) and that/those pages only rather than the entire site.

But thanks for your input.


Visited your site. Love the Don Lapre type hype.
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