Securus Vs EFES in Building a Team: Any Information on Greg Harvey?


I am new to the FE business, and am getting my license in the state of Tennessee next Wednesday. Have lurked on this site for months, and have soaked up some great info. My dilemma is; I have been contacted by a person at EFES with a good commission base, but little potential for upwards mobility. I have also been contacted by a man named Greg (maybe Craig? I couldn't hear) Harvey, who seems to think that there is a large potential in building a team all over, and thinks that there is a lot of money in that aspect of the business. My question for all you experts out there is; is building a team of FE agents a realistic goal, or is all of the real money in producing? And secondly, has anybody heard of this Mr. Harvey, and what is his reputation.
Thanks a bunch.
I am new to the FE business, and am getting my license in the state of Tennessee next Wednesday. Have lurked on this site for months, and have soaked up some great info. My dilemma is; I have been contacted by a person at EFES with a good commission base, but little potential for upwards mobility. I have also been contacted by a man named Greg (maybe Craig? I couldn't hear) Harvey, who seems to think that there is a large potential in building a team all over, and thinks that there is a lot of money in that aspect of the business. My question for all you experts out there is; is building a team of FE agents a realistic goal, or is all of the real money in producing? And secondly, has anybody heard of this Mr. Harvey, and what is his reputation.
Thanks a bunch.

The Securus model is probably more suited to building a downline than is the EFES model.

But, seriously??? You are just getting into FE and you are concerned about recruiting?
I could swear I've read another post in the past that looks just like this one. Maybe I'm just having a deja vu moment.
But, seriously??? You are just getting into FE and you are concerned about recruiting?


Tread lightly ruin... you'll make a small over ride, you'll be babysitting to much you'll cut your production in half, not to mention your balls will be in a vice when some new agents haul ass on a lapse...Been down that road... aint worth it...
Thanks for the advice guys. I'm actually not interested in overrides at this point at all. What I was interested in was seeing if Mr. Harvey was just full of balogna or not. I know that I dont have even close to the experience to do it. What I wanted to know was if the person pitching me was just trying to do anything to get me on their team.
I'm mostly in the boat of trying to decide between Securus and EFES, and then trying to find a good manager in those two organizations. Lots of misinformation out there, and trying to sift through it.
I also want to say thanks to JD and to Reardon for their personal help, and getting me in contact with the people that seem to shoot straighter than the rest. Any more information would be great, just figured you guys were sick of the old Securus vs EFES debate.
I'll give you my 2 cents on it. If it has come down to EFES and Securus, then I would go with EFES 100% of the time!

The one thing I wouldn't do is to sign up under the guy that called you from EFES. He sounds like he's just trying to get you hyped up over something that you shouldn't even be thinking about right now. You need some time and experience selling before you try to hire agents and teach them.
Mr. Harvey was from Securus. JD put me in touch with Travis Tubbs from EFES, who nobody seems to have a single bad thing to say about. Reardon spoke with me on the phone and gave me a very realistic view about what to expect the first few months. I really appreciate all the information, and think I have made my decision already, but just want to get all the info I can first.

TRK... why in your opinion EFES over Securus?
Because Securus will sign you up and charge you for old leads while swearing they are new.

They won't release dispite their claims that they will.

I've talked with too many agents that have had terrible situations with Securus. It's nothing for them to just flat out lie to you.