Selling Final Expense...Whats Your Schedule?

When I stared selling insurance last year, I did general whole life insurance and worked appointments at night. On the Final Expense side, I need some ideas for timing? Those of you who have Final expense experience, what is your typical day like? For example, what time do you get started with your day, etc. And is it po
possible to work Final Expense 4 days a week (M-Th) and still make out on top. Thanks!:)
Most weeks I work four days. On appointment setting days I set appointments for the following two days. On those days (selling days) I typically leave home around 8am and return around 7pm. Then, one other day for doing service, follow up, agent training, etc.. Occasionally I will add another selling day. Hope this helps.
Hi Earner. Thanks for your response. Is your appointment setting day Monday? I was buying leads and door knocking them, or calling them to set an appointment. I'm independent with no guidance so I have to get up to speed on what I SHOULD be doing to be successful! Are you with an IMO? I'm looking for final expense companies to contract with. Hopefully you can provide some insight there. Thanks again! :biggrin:
Hi Earner. Thanks for your response. Is your appointment setting day Monday? I was buying leads and door knocking them, or calling them to set an appointment. I'm independent with no guidance so I have to get up to speed on what I SHOULD be doing to be successful! Are you with an IMO? I'm looking for final expense companies to contract with. Hopefully you can provide some insight there. Thanks again! :biggrin:

You sound like your in the same boat as me... Trying to figure out this FE thing solo lol.
Hi Earner. Thanks for your response. Is your appointment setting day Monday? I was buying leads and door knocking them, or calling them to set an appointment. I'm independent with no guidance so I have to get up to speed on what I SHOULD be doing to be successful! Are you with an IMO? I'm looking for final expense companies to contract with. Hopefully you can provide some insight there. Thanks again! :biggrin:
Read everything you can find by JDeasy and Newby. in the FE forum. If you go to Newby's website, you will find a couple of audio interviews with JD under the Final Expense Training tab.

Read everything you can find by JDeasy and Newby. in the FE forum. If you go to Newby's website, you will find a couple of audio interviews with JD under the Final Expense Training tab.


The audio rousemark is referring to is a must listen for anybody wanting to do FE. After I listened the audio I adjusted my presentation to be more educational and less emotional.

After 2 weeks(7 days) in the field with fresh leads I have 9 Apps and $6300.00 in AP

Where is Jdeasy???? haven't seen him post lately
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I drive 2 hours to the area that I work so I only go Tues, Thurs, and Sat... Doorknocking! We start knocking at 930am and go til it gets dark.... Today, Sat, I have an 8am apt and am leaving the house at 6....:swoon:

Yes, with the drive it's a 12+ hour day but it works!!!
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I'm back to 3 days a week:

Wednesdays/Fridays -- 1PM until sundown if I don't have a 7PM/7:30PM appointment
Saturdays: Sunrise to 7PM or later

I can schedule at least 15 appointments like this if I hustle (5 on Wednesdays and Fridays, possibly 6-8 if I really book like a mofo on Saturdays).

I used to run 6 days a week, 3 long and 3 short, shooting for 20 appointments plus.

Once you get the hang of things (6-12 months), you'll be able to accomplish more in less time.
Where is Jdeasy???? haven't seen him post lately

Someone decided the forum would be better without him. They put him in the penalty box last week for arguing with that LH recruiter.

If he decides to come back (I think his penalty is over next week) he may be a kinder and gentler JD...or maybe not.

I do agree that the bickering and badgering gets out of hand on here sometimes but being too kind and gentle will make this a boring and less truthful forum.
Someone decided the forum would be better without him. They put him in the penalty box last week for arguing with that LH recruiter.

If he decides to come back (I think his penalty is over next week) he may be a kinder and gentler JD...or maybe not.

I do agree that the bickering and badgering gets out of hand on here sometimes but being too kind and gentle will make this a boring and less truthful forum.

Part of that is accurate. The part that's not is why. But I won't be posting much here going forward. They want the liars to have free rein. You can tll who they are because they are the ones happy with the new rules. I am forbidden from sahring swaet equity with new agents. Goes against everything I thought this forum was. In my opinion, of course.

As for the op, all I do is FE and I've been a fulltime FE agent for over 4 years. An agent for almost 10 years.

I get 15 leads per week. I am in the field 2 days per week. Tues and Thurs. My goal is 6 appointments on each of those days. My appointments are an hour and a half apart. I set my own appointments. I set Tues. on Mon and Thurs on Wed. My ap goal is to write $3000 ap per week. I've been $1000 per week over that goal for over 4 years. The reason I'm over goal is because I don't need 15 leads to average $3000 ap. By contract with EFES I have to order 15 leads per week.
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