I really miss the spell-check utility that the previous version of this board had.

I know FireFox has one built into their browser, but I don't use FF except to view the Blue Shield CA site as it does not work well in Safari (on the Mac.)

I hope Sam brings back the spell-check feature when he moves to a new host.


How about composing the message in ms word. Then you can use the spell checker and cut and paste to the forum.
Use this handy little utility. It sits in the tray (assuming you use Windows) and makes a beep when you type a word incorrectly. You can add to the dictionary it knows/understands and best of all, it's free!
As mentioned...I also like the site. But that spelling!!!

"Some plans will only cover certain hospital procedures as outlined in the policy. If it s not listed, it ýs not covered unless you see the phrase "and all other medically necessary hospital expenses". This phrase is important. Because if a doctor performs a medically necessary procedure that ýs not on the list, it ýs not covered, leaving you responsible for the charges"
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I've been selling insurance online and over the phone for the past 7 years.
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