Senior Insurance Leads Company

Please understand something.... you're posting here with guys who have been in the insurance business for mega years, some 20 plus. You're posting with agency owners, state instructors and million dollar round table producers. Now you're coming off with these ideas of starting a mlm company targeting part timers like stay at home moms with a product that is marketable (insurance), and you're going to provide training and support and product knowledge.... when you yourself, have been an agent less than a month. Do you see my point. Who is going to train these part-time agents? You?? There are enough agents out there that are selling things that they don't even know what they're selling, and know only what their "manager" tells them. And yes, who looses in the end??? The consumer! Not once in all of your postings did you mention having a product that was "good for the consumer". Yet you praised ALW for having a high cost product but were still able to place business on the books with it. And you talk about appreciation of what effort will do..... there have been plenty of people throughout history that made plenty of "effort", made a lot of money, and screwed a lot of people. You'd do much better putting your "effort" into something less "sales" oriented, and try being a good insurance agent instead of a good salesman.
So lets say that I told you I wanted to team up with you and be a manager.

Here is what I see happening...

I would have a bunch of part time agents. I figure about 1/2 of them would be worthless in sales and effort. The other 1/2 I would have to babysit. I do not see very high production numbers. If I was merely compensated by overrides, then I would starve.

Also, if you are dealing with part time people, I am willing to say that most will give a part time effort. There is a reason that people fail in the insurance business, and that is most of the time lack of effort.
Hey Midwest, here's my twist on your quote....

If you do not like something, change it. If you cannot change it, take it out to the barn and blow it's freakin head off!
[FONT=&quot]I'm having an issue with the communal charge back concept. These 20 – 100 agents are hungry and will not be amused with your explanation of a truck driver whom leaves the big rig for greener pastures.

[FONT=&quot]Also, you'll save yourself a lot of bucks down the road if you run your concept past an accountant and or legal team whom can assure you that your agent team is within the IRS definition of "independent contractor". [/FONT]
" Please understand something.... you're posting here with guys who have been in the insurance business for mega years, some 20 plus. You're posting with agency owners, state instructors and million dollar round table producers. "

Many have been helpful. We want to do it the right way from the get go.

" Now you're coming off with these ideas of starting a mlm company targeting part timers like stay at home moms with a product that is marketable (insurance), and you're going to provide training and support and product knowledge.... when you yourself, have been an agent less than a month. Do you see my point. "

Yes - thus why I began posting here. I've made many connections and people believe it or not - they want to make sure we do well so that we represent the industry as we should. The support is going to come from the FMO's and Carriers. Product knowledge is something one can learn with training and teaching. We'll get trainers by the time we launch.

" Not once in all of your postings did you mention having a product that was "good for the consumer". Yet you praised ALW for having a high cost product but were still able to place business on the books with it. "

I didn't "praise ALW" - I said they were able to sell a higher priced product and get it to stick. They basically had a proprietary term product with Transamerica back in the day I believe. We will be selling the same thing everyone else is - just hopefully selling ourselves first.

Customer is job 1 - in this type business it has to be I imagine, referrals being what they are.

The product line will be trim and the learning curve shortened.

Example - I personally learned to sell MA's in 3 days. They key was recognizing what the client had, what they needed and what was available. We will limit the choices to the two best for a given area. Seems getting the appointment is a key factor in possibly closing the deal.

I do understand your concerns Mr. C - we're not out to make things worse for our clients - we want to offer peace of mind and predictability.

I've said all along that training would be key.

You'll be selling the same thing everyone else is???? Who is everyone else. You know there are a lot of Mega agents, United American Agents, Primerica Agents... all of who would probably be a good fit for what you're looking for. Those folks are definetley sales driven, and sure put themselves first. You seem to be a smart guy Tom, but a bit mis-guided.
MWB said - " I would have a bunch of part time agents. I figure about 1/2 of them would be worthless in sales and effort. The other 1/2 I would have to babysit. I do not see very high production numbers. "

Upline is different than manager - because you over-ride your entire team and participate in the profits of the company as a whole. However - 50% would be high. You would probably get effort from 20% to 25%.

" If I was merely compensated by overrides, then I would starve. "

At first. But - our upline will sell personally as well I would imagine. We will have good commission %'s for the experienced agent. Heck - they could book direct themselves elsewhere and just participate as an upline if they wish. There is a small amount of personal needed to earn over-rides.

" Also, if you are dealing with part time people, I am willing to say that most will give a part time effort. There is a reason that people fail in the insurance business, and that is most of the time lack of effort. "

In anything only about 20% to 25% of the team really excels or achieves - the rest just waddle along. We plan to give someone the opportunity to earn full time money with part-time effort. However - if they wish to earn more - they can sell more or they can personally sell part-time and also show others how to earn more - work less.

I had a guy today tell me to recruit telemarketers and teach them to sell major med online - what a great idea! They already are comfortable with the phone / net - it's a natural fit with the proper product knowledge.

medsupppro said - " I'm having an issue with the communal charge back concept. These 20 – 100 agents are hungry and will not be amused with your explanation of a truck driver whom leaves the big rig for greener pastures. "

Charge backs are a fact of life are they not? Writing good business makes sense. The only way to do the charge back is up the line. The way we are going to do the chargeback is when they come in - take it from the next pay cycle, or in the case of departed agents - via collection efforts.

Today we decided to pay 25% fewer points on all business and if it stuck - the team would receive the points back as a bonus. Example - instead of an agent being at 80 points for Amerigo - then they would be at 60 points and they would receive a 20 point bonus at maturity. 50% held back on MA products - but, the charge back risks are different.

In addition - we will have a max advance of 6 months when possible.

As earned is residual at it's finest . . .

You know indiana smart ass - a typo is a typo - geez . . .

No worry - we won't invite ya in - lol.


p.s. - I know it's a "c" - just type fast - get a life pal.