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Please understand something.... you're posting here with guys who have been in the insurance business for mega years, some 20 plus. You're posting with agency owners, state instructors and million dollar round table producers. Now you're coming off with these ideas of starting a mlm company targeting part timers like stay at home moms with a product that is marketable (insurance), and you're going to provide training and support and product knowledge.... when you yourself, have been an agent less than a month. Do you see my point. Who is going to train these part-time agents? You?? There are enough agents out there that are selling things that they don't even know what they're selling, and know only what their "manager" tells them. And yes, who looses in the end??? The consumer! Not once in all of your postings did you mention having a product that was "good for the consumer". Yet you praised ALW for having a high cost product but were still able to place business on the books with it. And you talk about appreciation of what effort will do..... there have been plenty of people throughout history that made plenty of "effort", made a lot of money, and screwed a lot of people. You'd do much better putting your "effort" into something less "sales" oriented, and try being a good insurance agent instead of a good salesman.
Please understand something.... you're posting here with guys who have been in the insurance business for mega years, some 20 plus. You're posting with agency owners, state instructors and million dollar round table producers. Now you're coming off with these ideas of starting a mlm company targeting part timers like stay at home moms with a product that is marketable (insurance), and you're going to provide training and support and product knowledge.... when you yourself, have been an agent less than a month. Do you see my point. Who is going to train these part-time agents? You?? There are enough agents out there that are selling things that they don't even know what they're selling, and know only what their "manager" tells them. And yes, who looses in the end??? The consumer! Not once in all of your postings did you mention having a product that was "good for the consumer". Yet you praised ALW for having a high cost product but were still able to place business on the books with it. And you talk about appreciation of what effort will do..... there have been plenty of people throughout history that made plenty of "effort", made a lot of money, and screwed a lot of people. You'd do much better putting your "effort" into something less "sales" oriented, and try being a good insurance agent instead of a good salesman.