Sentinel Life??

Why does Aetna even bother offering FE, they're not competitive in any respect, as far as I can see????

It's pretty interesting to see sometimes how actuarial decisions are made in regards to pricing, etc. Interesting, that is, if you are into that sort of thing.

There generally is a reason. Either they don't want to write much of it, so they raise the price, or it doesn't fit in their business model so they'll take it only if they can make a fat profit. It's generally something along those lines.
I know that all of these companies do biz or they couldn't stay in biz. But, when I take a deep look into them and they're on the high end of rates, middle of the road commissions/renewals, no UW niches, POS with no instant decision, no SS billing, etc, I wonder why any agent would sell them when there are much better options available. But, neither can I understand why any company would not try to be competitive in all of those areas. Just my thoughts.
Their commission and renewals are actually quite high compared to some smaller companies like Family benefit and Such. But I imagine the only people routinely selling this product are people that cross sell it and lead with Aetna on the other Health products.
My last comment wasn't actually directed toward Aetna. I haven't looked at them in a couple of years so don't recall much about them but I obviously wasn't impressed then since I haven't used them; they may have changed.