Third Joker
- 49
I have taken and passed the 6 & 63 on two separate occasions. The first time in 1989 they were both a piece of cake. The last time, in 2003,the 6 was still a piece if cake. I think I scored 92. The 63 was a different animal. I scored 75 which I thought was bad until I found out that my supervisor scored a 71. The problem with the 63 was I didn't have very good study material and it asks a lot of stuff that for the life of me I can not imagine why anyone should have to know. My mode of study has always been just to just use a computer based quiz that lets me drill until I can score better than 80%. I have never ever cracked a book studying.
I agree, the 6 was very easy. I didn't really spend much time at all studying for it and passed on my first attempt. The 63 was tougher for exactly the reason xrac says: there is crap on there that no person should ever have to know and study materials, for me at least, were a thin section in the back of the 6 study guide.