Serious Problems at Coventry

From what I've seen in my commission statements. They're paying only $200 up front on new business and sending a balance in March even if the business is first time MA business. Oh...then I did receive charge backs as they over paid us by sending $225 instead of the $200. I was under the assumption that the $200 was only for those MA clients switching from one plan to another. Is anyone else also seeking commissions on new MA business?
Mutual told me April 24 today. I'm waiting on 50+ from AEP. I finally got an answer out of them. Well, I take that back, I have gotten several vague "in the next two weeks"-type answers, but this is the first time I had something that specific.

I love this business. Hey, what other business can you be in that you do work and get paid for it 6 months later!?!?!?!
Mutual told me April 24 today. I'm waiting on 50+ from AEP. I finally got an answer out of them. Well, I take that back, I have gotten several vague "in the next two weeks"-type answers, but this is the first time I had something that specific.

I love this business. Hey, what other business can you be in that you do work and get paid for it 6 months later!?!?!?!

I got that same "in the next 2 weeks" response about 5-6 weeks ago. At least their consistent.

Oh yeah....April 24th of what year?:skeptical:
I've always assumed it would be after OEP ends and the computers at Medicare catch up with all the switches, new to MA's and age-ins that happened to occur during AEP or OEP.

CMS created the mess, not Coventry. Coventry could do better, but they are not to blame for the some of the late payment issues.
I've always assumed it would be after OEP ends and the computers at Medicare catch up with all the switches, new to MA's and age-ins that happened to occur during AEP or OEP.

CMS created the mess, not Coventry. Coventry could do better, but they are not to blame for the some of the late payment issues.

AARP has already started paying the balance of first year on PDP plans....I've got a few of the 20 PDP's I'm owed on w/Coventry, that are first year. I should have a nice check on April 24th without the first-years included(adding in renewals on prior years PDP's). Maybe they'll include the first-year commissions April 24th.
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