Setting Appointments Over the Phone

"Setting appointments by phone is a waste of resources, IMHO.

I door knock all leads."

as stated by dragline

I couldn't disagree more. My best days are when I have 5 preset appointments. 75% of the time I will close them.

Driving around blindlessly hoping to catch someone at home is a waste of time and money, imho.

I only doorknock when I get stood up or have some time to kill between my preset appointments.

Read more: Setting Appointments Over the Phone - Page 2
I agree, colossal waste of time unless you are already in the area. New agents I recommend to doorknock though because they burn through leads, not enough phone experience yet.

"Setting appointments by phone is a waste of resources, IMHO.

I door knock all leads."

as stated by dragline

I couldn't disagree more. My best days are when I have 5 preset appointments. 75% of the time I will close them.

Driving around blindlessly hoping to catch someone at home is a waste of time and money, imho.

I only doorknock when I get stood up or have some time to kill between my preset appointments.

Read more: Setting Appointments Over the Phone - Page 2
Any thoughts on giving a price quote over the phone when setting the appointment?

For most products it's a waste of time. If you get an appointment you can really do your job, if you just give them a number over the phone you can't.

When I used to run lead cards not so awfully long ago I would call to book appointments with the ones I could and door knock the rest. I wouldn't give them a quote over the phone, partially because it's difficult to assess their situation without a real consultation.

There was a gentleman on here, rearden I believe, tried it both ways. When he was doing some prequalifications over the phone and really filtering out appointments the quality of the appointment went up, but his conversion rate turned to garbage. It's a lot easier to make a sale when you're at their kitchen table, so that's where you need to find yourself. If you're making the pitch over the phone, you really have no idea what's going on over there and even if they say yes, are you really giving them the right level of service?
If i have a lead that is 25 miles from most of the other leads I am running that day I will do as much qualifying as I can right over the phone. Especailly if I already have a full day planned out adn I suspect they don't have the means to pay for it.

I never "QUOTE" anything over the phone, but I do give ranges on occassion as a way of weeding out buyers whom I suspect can not afford the product. And yes I am well aware of the fact a good salesman can put people under the either when in person, and get them to agree to do things they really shouldn't be doing. Thats ok in the car business or selling kirby vacs but in the insurance business all they have to do is come out of the either and stop making payments.

In general for most agents, giving numbers over the phone might not be a good idea, but if one is skilled enough to be able to handle the client properly it can be a way of saving time and making more money. Some people do all of their selling over the phone and some don't do any selling over the phone so what is wrong with being in the middle?

The Insurance man is a good example. It appears to me he is making good money and he does all his sales over the phone and he claims he has good persistancy. I have no way to dispute what he says and I tend to believe him. I know many agents whom are making good money and they won't go to a home unless the client knows or at least has a good idea what its going to cost.
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Re: Setting Appointments OooOver the Phone

If i have a lead that is 25 miles from most of the other leads I am running that day I will do as much qualifying as I can right over the phone. Especailly if I already have a full day planned out adn I suspect they don't have the means to pay for it.

I never "QUOTE" anything over the phone, but I do give ranges on occassion as a way of weeding out buyers whom I suspect can not afford the product. And yes I am well aware of the fact a good salesman can put people under the either when in person, and get them to agree to do things they really shouldn't be doing. Thats ok in the car business or selling kirby vacs but in the insurance business all they have to do is come out of the either and stop making payments.

In general for most agents, giving numbers over the phone might not be a good idea, but if one is skilled enough to be able to handle the client properly it can be a way of saving time and making more money. Some people do all of their selling over the phone and some don't do any selling over the phone so what is wrong with being in the middle?

The Insurance man is a good example. It appears to me he is making good money and he does all his sales over the phone and he claims he has good persistancy. I have no way to dispute what he says and I tend to believe him. I know many agents whom are making good money and they won't go to a home unless the client knows or at least has a good idea what its going to cost.

It's worth noting that you are also working a fairly different kind of lead.
So, what is a good way to handle it if the client is insistent on getting at least a price range, before agreeing to set the appointment?
So, what is a good way to handle it if the client is insistent on getting at least a price range, before agreeing to set the appointment?

There are usually exceptions to a rule, but if they're insistent about getting a price range before you get there, it might not be a great prospect. Use your own judgement and build your own experience on how to handle it, sometimes it's a genuine question and they have real interest, but more often than not that lead is a dud.
So, what is a good way to handle it if the client is insistent on getting at least a price range, before agreeing to set the appointment?

Give it to him. Guys that have a ton of leads or do a lot of business can afford to blow them off. You are just starting out. If they will not see you otherwise, give them your lowest bid. IMHO