Shingles Vaccines Work. But Medicare Won’t Always Cover Them.

Had a gentleman send me an email saying he used to post on here years ago but quit and was the best thing he ever did. He went through all the regular Med Sup people and what he said made a lot of sense. Such as look at Somarco, has posted over 30,000 times and basically says the same thing over and over. Why would I waste my time reading and arguing with these people who are set in their ways and their way is the only way? He said he can tell by my posts I know the business better then 95% of the people posting on here so just keep doing what I'm doing. Appreciated the email and will take his advice and move on with my life. There, you regulars win again, drive away yet another member of the forum. I have had all of you on ignore but the posts don't make a lot of sense when you are the ones that post 90% of the B.S.

Please let me know what all I misspelled since you are perfect!
You want to actively persuade them that their families aren't going to actively fight an insurance company when they should be supporting their loved ones possible transition.

Choice is a beautiful thing. Omitting facts or shining up a turd in order to sell a subpar product should never be your goal. Present the reality, answer questions, then get out of their way.

First and foremost (because nothing else really matters when your family is in crisis), prayers and best wishes for your dad as well as family members attending to his needs.

Perhaps it is because we have more in common than not, but everything you wrote could have been quoted and adding a thumbs up emoji. But I chose to distill it down to these few lines which are the real crux in the way (what seems like a handful of us) believe and how we handle our business. I could name several who come to mind but someone would be thinking "what about me?".

This business model is how most of us pay our bills . . . we don't run a charity and this is not a hobby. Still, some agents seem to have one and only one true focus . . . money. Some brag about how they are making life better for their clients but are they really?

I don't go on sales calls with agents, nor listen in on their phone conversations, so all any of us really know about most of the agents is what is posted on a public forum.

There are a few agents here that I have an "outside of the forum" relationship and at least one of those agents that I call friend pre-dates either of us participating in this forum. That agent has been a big help when I transitioned from the U65 market to Medicare. He continues to help to this day and I never hesitate to refer someone to him when I see that I can't help them but possibly he can.

Everyone I interact with off the forum are real "pro's" and put the clients needs before their own.

I have been fortunate through the years to find agents who are willing to share their "secrets", even when we work the same market. A very good friend (now deceased) would call them a mensch (a term I had to Google).

@Travis Price you are a mensch and if we lived closer I believe we could enjoy a brew (or two or three) as long as the topic is anything other than politics.

Take good care of your dad. He is lucky to have a son who is willing and able to drop everything and help him through this crisis.
This business model is how most of us pay our bills . . . we don't run a charity and this is not a hobby.

(You's are all general)

This is my favorite thing about your post. It's not about how many hours you put in or how much you put on the board. It's how you treat the business.

Is this a business, do you treat the needs of people with the respect that it deserves. I get blasted quite often because I'm not on the road 40 hours a week, writing x amount of people, making x amount of money in commissions.

I. Don't. Care. about that. It's about the needs of the client. Yes, I want to be able to pay my bills, but the goal (for me) is to make sure that people get the best plan for their situation, or are educated enough to make an informed decision. I don't slam numbers on a board.

That's what makes this a profession (IMO) and not a hobby, for me.

I mean, I was going to do this as a SHIP. They turned me down because I had a license. So I do it for profit.

I appreciate all the kind words.
Had a gentleman send me an email saying he used to post on here years ago but quit and was the best thing he ever did. He went through all the regular Med Sup people and what he said made a lot of sense. Such as look at Somarco, has posted over 30,000 times and basically says the same thing over and over. Why would I waste my time reading and arguing with these people who are set in their ways and their way is the only way? He said he can tell by my posts I know the business better then 95% of the people posting on here so just keep doing what I'm doing. Appreciated the email and will take his advice and move on with my life. There, you regulars win again, drive away yet another member of the forum. I have had all of you on ignore but the posts don't make a lot of sense when you are the ones that post 90% of the B.S.

Please let me know what all I misspelled since you are perfect!

The problem with your approach to the business is that it has to potential to create financial and treatment victims of medical situations that pop up in their lives.
Such as look at Somarco, has posted over 30,000 times and basically says the same thing over and over. Why would I waste my time reading and arguing with these people who are set in their ways and their way is the only way? He said he can tell by my posts I know the business better then 95% of the people posting on here so just keep doing what I'm doing.

He's also been here over 10 years... JS.

Maybe you do know this business better than me. I only spent 7.5 years with Social Security reviewing medical records for insurance eligibility. I only spent 18 years combined advising people on all Medicare programs. I've also only been featured in multiple publications as a subject matter expert, including Forbes, WebMD, Fox Business, and Kiplinger's. Oh yeah, I'm also paid as a subject matter expert for insurance companies.

But ymmv.

People say the same thing over and over because people, similar to you, chronically come on here with the same MAPD noise. Meaning, they preach an argument about price and poor people and yadda, yadda... but completely ignore the downside of MAPD.

Most agents really don't deal with the claims portion or the advising portion of Medicare private insurance. They send them to the company.

Do you. People rarely change their mind. The idea that you're not even willing to consider a different pov is a weakness that hurts your clients in the long run. But honestly, if you knew so much about the business, you'd be able to make a different argument than just "premium-free" "low cost" whatever, when real issues are brought up.
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