Shingles Vaccines Work. But Medicare Won’t Always Cover Them.

The problem with your approach to the business is that it has to potential to create financial and treatment victims of medical situations that pop up in their lives.

Read what you wrote, you can’t even put together a coherent sentence but always have to put your .02 worth in.
He's also been here over 10 years... JS.

Maybe you do know this business better than me. I only spent 7.5 years with Social Security reviewing medical records for insurance eligibility. I only spent 18 years combined advising people on all Medicare programs. I've also only been featured in multiple publications as a subject matter expert, including Forbes, WebMD, Fox Business, and Kiplinger's. Oh yeah, I'm also paid as a subject matter expert for insurance companies.

But ymmv.

People say the same thing over and over because people, similar to you, chronically come on here with the same MAPD noise. Meaning, they preach an argument about price and poor people and yadda, yadda... but completely ignore the downside of MAPD.

Most agents really don't deal with the claims portion or the advising portion of Medicare private insurance. They send them to the company.

Do you. People rarely change their mind. The idea that you're not even willing to consider a different pov is a weakness that hurts your clients in the long run. But honestly, if you knew so much about the business, you'd be able to make a different argument than just "premium-free" "low cost" whatever, when real issues are brought up.

You really think you are special. Sorry to spoil it for you, you aren’t. Never seen anyone beat their chest so much and alway think they are right. If you are too stupid to see that some people are better off on MAPD then good luck. Keep going your charity work or whatever you think you are doing.
You really think you are special. Sorry to spoil it for you, you aren’t. Never seen anyone beat their chest so much and alway think they are right. If you are too stupid to see that some people are better off on MAPD then good luck. Keep going your charity work or whatever you think you are doing.

This statement is in line with what I was saying earlier. You're presented with facts, and you have no argument.. so you personally attack.

It shows a serious character flaw.

The only type of person that is "better off" on MAPD, is someone that is:

1) Well informed about the pros and cons of MAPD.
2) Has a risk tolerance that shows they'd rather pay IF something happens vs a person that wants to transfer that risk to the insurance company.
3) Is willing to deal with the claims processing downside of MAPD.

Financially, it rarely makes sense. There are exceptions to the rule, but just running numbers and adjusting for cost saving're on the losing end of that debate.

I tend to think I'm quite humble. I rarely beat my chest and give personal opinion to others that want to listen. Maybe I'm wrong and I don't see it. The only time I bring up anything on what I'm about is when people like you say stupid things like they know more about something I've spent a huge block of my life working in... from multiple different perspectives:

1) Claims
2) Customer-facing
3) Educational and research

However, if you want to start a game show called "Who knows Medicare?" We can do that too. Might I suggest Joe Namath or Joe Montana as the host?

Maybe it can be sponsored by OIG, CMS, or any of the private MAPD insurance companies.

Grand prize: A choice.. your money or your life.

I don't run a charity. I run a business. I just set priorities on my goals:

1) Informing the client
2) Not selling stuff the client doesn't need.
3) Selecting the plan that fits the client's needs.
4) Maximum profitability

Read what you wrote, you can’t even put together a coherent sentence but always have to put your .02 worth in.

As much of a pita as LD can be sometimes, he's pretty well informed. He also lives the stuff that you think you know better than 95% of the agents here. He also provides valuable information (because he researches things and asks questions) and point of view.. which should be golden to a marketer.

As for a coherent sentence, maybe don't throw stones when you don't know the difference between your/you're. Also, you used alway in your response to me. Alway is a really archaic way to say always. I only bring it up because you asked earlier to be told when your spelling and grammar was wonky.

But again, ymmv. I thought you had all of us on ignore?
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This isn’t about what any agent thinks is better . As others have said present both plans and clients can make the decision. Personally I sell a mapd with a $300 a day hospital benefit and a $7500 cancer rider if their healthy . Saves the client around $150 a month the first yr . Those savings increase yearly . If their t-65 and unhealthy they usually choose a med sup . But the migration to mapd is happening . I credit the commercials for much of it
Saves the client around $150 a month the first yr .

how do you figure? Is this that common core math?


Average Supp plus drug plan should be between $100 and $130 a month

Also do you figure, Your clients will not go to the doctor or get tests, If so why are you selling Hosp indemnity and cancer plan if they never get sick?
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This isn’t about what any agent thinks is better . As others have said present both plans and clients can make the decision. Personally I sell a mapd with a $300 a day hospital benefit and a $7500 cancer rider if their healthy . Saves the client around $150 a month the first yr . Those savings increase yearly . If their t-65 and unhealthy they usually choose a med sup . But the migration to mapd is happening . I credit the commercials for much of it

I mean, I'm not telling you how to run your business. I'm just speaking from my perspective and why I lean heavily towards Medigap vs MAPD.

Cancer is usually a multi-year battle. Even in good outcomes. For whatever it's worth, if you're approved for Disability benefits for cancer, in the vast majority of cases you go on at least a three year disability diary before review. Also, you can't be removed from disability if you haven't been in remission for at least 3 years (again, majority of cases.)

The reason why is recurrence is incredibly high in the first three year of remission. Even in non-emergent cancers, like skin and non-invasive breast cancer (which you usually don't get approved for anyway), it's a multiple-year issue. Just a personal opinion, and you can tell me to blow it out my rear, $7500 is unprepared.

Secondly, and again, just an opinion that I based on fact... You start out Medicare really healthy. The natural aging process means that even really healthy living people tend to have health complications in the later stages of life. I'm rarely looking at today, and explain that, when I give an opinion. I'm looking at 10 years down the road and thinking WHEN something happens (because odds are it will) how will you be covered?

With MAPD? Who knows. With Medigap? I know exactly how you'll be covered.

The $150 a year savings, when I think about it like that, is minor. Again, just personal opinion and when I explain my line of thinking, people get it.

As you noted, the client makes the decision. I inform the client on how Medicare works and how private insurance interacts with it. Many agents inform the client how the private insurance works, but either don't know or don't care, how Medicare actually works.

Not saying that's you. Just giving perspective that you can choose to ignore.
This isn’t about what any agent thinks is better . As others have said present both plans and clients can make the decision. Personally I sell a mapd with a $300 a day hospital benefit and a $7500 cancer rider if their healthy . Saves the client around $150 a month the first yr . Those savings increase yearly . If their t-65 and unhealthy they usually choose a med sup . But the migration to mapd is happening . I credit the commercials for much of it

Oh shit, you are now the focus of thee Travis Price. You don't dare post something here favoring MAPD or you will be corrected by the ***.
Oh shit, you are now the focus of thee Travis Price. You don't dare post something here favoring MAPD or you will be corrected by the ***.
"You're" words. ;) Starting when? :biggrin:

"Appreciated the email and will take his advice and move on with my life. There, you regulars win again, drive away yet another member of the forum."
