Shingles Vaccines Work. But Medicare Won’t Always Cover Them.

Do you guys realize just from the current "debate" some of us viewing may be picking up a few nuggets. As an example looking towards the future and potential health issues when considering the known and unknown when looking at a medsupp or a Advantage plan.
Oh shit, you are now the focus of thee Travis Price. You don't dare post something here favoring MAPD or you will be corrected by the ***.

Wowsas, the focus of thee mighty Travis Price... who clearly said, "This is my opinion, take it for whatever value you find."

I still don't understand why you're so upset. We disagree. Big freaking whoop. Personally, I think the insight I give is thoughtful, articulate, and valuable.. if you don't... ignore it.

It's that easy. "YOU'RE" attitude isn't alway needed.
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Kind of like I will immediately denounce my citizenship and move out of the USA for good, if Trump is elected

I just want to be on the record as saying if Trump runs again and is re-elected, maybe one day I'll move out of the US and renounce my citizenship. However, Trump will likely be dead by then.
Suuuure you will Alec. :skeptical:

Reread what I wrote. It was the most noncommittal way of saying I may leave the country and renounce citizenship, but it wouldn't be when Trump was President or even if he'd be alive.

I will say that if the US doesn't reign the extremists views (and both parties are becoming more and more extreme) I would strongly consider leaving.. or at bare minimal lock the farm down for a few years.
Reread what I wrote. It was the most noncommittal way of saying I may leave the country and renounce citizenship, but it wouldn't be when Trump was President or even if he'd be alive.

I will say that if the US doesn't reign the extremists views (and both parties are becoming more and more extreme) I would strongly consider leaving.. or at bare minimal lock the farm down for a few years.

I have recently given this some serious thought. I have decided that I'm not going to, but I did give it thought. Just tired of all the hate and extremism on both sides. I've been wondering if it's really worth putting up with anymore.
I have recently given this some serious thought. I have decided that I'm not going to, but I did give it thought. Just tired of all the hate and extremism on both sides. I've been wondering if it's really worth putting up with anymore.

So where is this utopia, you were considering?
Well, that's just it isn't it? Where the hell to go. The only place I could come up with that made any sense would be Costa Rica, but I'm not even sure about that!

Well a lot of those places can be decent living for Americans with money, Not as much for the natives though

America has been the best place to live but the divide with other countries has lessened over the last 12 or so years, Greatly