Site Upgrade & Facelift Coming Up This Weekend! (Sunday, October 8th)

  • Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply...
    • and receive email notifications of replies
  • Use the rich text editor to create and edit messages
  • Show people's signatures with their messages
  • Show your online status
    This will allow other people to see when you are online.
    • Show your current activity
      This will allow other people to see what page you are currently viewing.
Live Update Display Options:
  • Tab Icon
  • Notifications API
  • Tab Title
Choose how you would like live updates to be displayed.

Signature Display:
This option allows registered members to show or remove the signatures inside posts

Threads Per Page:
Posts Per Page:
Conversations Per Page:

There are two places where signatures are mentioned on my screen. The top one is just a check box. The bottom one has a two choice drop down menu-when I went to that and chose show signatures, my signature started displaying.
  • Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply...
    • and receive email notifications of replies
  • Use the rich text editor to create and edit messages
  • Show people's signatures with their messages
  • Show your online status
    This will allow other people to see when you are online.
    • Show your current activity
      This will allow other people to see what page you are currently viewing.
Live Update Display Options:
  • Tab Icon
  • Notifications API
  • Tab Title
Choose how you would like live updates to be displayed.

Signature Display:
This option allows registered members to show or remove the signatures inside posts

Threads Per Page:
Posts Per Page:
Conversations Per Page:

There are two places where signatures are mentioned on my screen. The top one is just a check box. The bottom one has a two choice drop down menu-when I went to that and chose show signatures, my signature started displaying.
That took care of it.. I had not seen the place with the drop down menu. Thanks, LD
Hate the new format, sorry. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!:skeptical:
Starting to get used to it but still liked the old one better. Seems like there is not nearly as much activity or members online at any given time now. I do like the alert bell at the top of the page.
The Resources is now replaced by Latest articles module. But when browsing specific subforums, e.g. Annuities, you will only see Latest Articles related to annuities.

And I am sure you noticed a very cool feature when as you type a post, a draft is created which saves your message.
I don't know if it's really that cool or not. Sometimes when I decide NOT to post something, I keep finding it ready for me to post... taunting me to stir up the pot (until I erase it).

Not sure I need that temptation. lol
I don't know if it's really that cool or not. Sometimes when I decide NOT to post something, I keep finding it ready for me to post... taunting me to stir up the pot (until I erase it).

Not sure I need that temptation. lol

I look at it this way.

When I read a post or a thread and I am short in time to reply with details, i just enter quick notes, hit save. So when I come upon this thread again, I have my thoughts there ready :idea:
I don't know if it's really that cool or not. Sometimes when I decide NOT to post something, I keep finding it ready for me to post... taunting me to stir up the pot (until I erase it).

Not sure I need that temptation. lol
On the other hand it gives you time to move on, reconsider and then come and post or erase depending on what you decided .:biggrin: