So now that F2F contact is basically off the table what's going on with DM?

Chase thats interesting. I'm assuming since a lot of agents have pulled back on DM the ones mailing have less competition and response rates higher. Many area's going to lockdown's so nobody will be able to get around legally.
Hopefully it'll be that soon. :yes:

In my mind any doors knocked and business written January through April was the gravy. All along I knew that May through September was where I'd get the meat. I don't care what you're selling and I don't care if you knock all year long: May through September is the Major League of Door Knock season. I've made peace with the fact that May is likely gone. But if I lose June too? I'll be very, very sad.

I know a lot of folks don't get it, but for guys like us - you and me and shonceman and Lifehawk and rouse - cold door knocking isn't just a superior method of prospecting, but it's a helluva fun too. Fun, great exercise, just walking and talking ... it is going to be a sad summer if we can't get back to normal. It certainly is not social distancing lol
In my mind any doors knocked and business written January through April was the gravy. All along I knew that May through September was where I'd get the meat. I don't care what you're selling and I don't care if you knock all year long: May through September is the Major League of Door Knock season. I've made peace with the fact that May is likely gone. But if I lose June too? I'll be very, very sad.

I know a lot of folks don't get it, but for guys like us - you and me and shonceman and Lifehawk and rouse - cold door knocking isn't just a superior method of prospecting, but it's a helluva fun too. Fun, great exercise, just walking and talking ... it is going to be a sad summer if we can't get back to normal. It certainly is not social distancing lol
My doorknocking prime time is right now. I'm in a hotter climate, so mid-March through May is hands down my best season. Early autumn (Sept-Oct) is also good. Summers are pretty hot and humid. I still doorknock then, but wear out more quickly, and need more breaks.

Watching the weather forecast this morning, seeing fantastic weather for the next week, I felt myself dying inside!:unsure: