So...tell Me Again About This "summit"?

I'm just mystified. If "O" is going to put it together for Sun/Monday, WTF is up with that invite to repubs later next week?


Don't even get me started. Whole Republican party walking right into the lobster trap.. Bunch of dildo's looking to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Idiots, all of them. How stupid can you get.
He's BAAAAAACKKKK...(AL3). Wow, what a rant. Whew, wore me out.

But I have to agree with a few of your points AL man (not that you care, but). Not in 100% disagreement with you today. But the demonizing and name calling has to stop in order for us to really take you seriously. Geez man, Prozac works.
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This is simple to handle. It won't happen though. Republicans should walk in with a set of guiding principles for everyone to agree on. Once this is done, the rest is much easier. Without this, you get the current mess.

My take on the guiding principles would be something like:
- Everyone has freedom of choice. Individuals will not be asked to relinquish this in anyway.
- Health insurance needs to be made available to all. Individuals have the freedom to buy it.
- Doctors/hospitals/whoever must charge the same for all payment methods. You cannot charge PPO plans more than medicare plans or charge more (or less) to those who pay cash.
- Pricing must be posted, or at least readily available. Same as at your auto shop.
- Personal responsibility is your own responsibility, not your neighbors via taxation.
- States still have rights.
- Taxing 'cadillac' plans to lower costs makes sense to only those who don't understand basic math. Yeah, I get the utilization bit, don't buy it, neither does anyone else.
- Big business or unions, same rules apply.

... I'm sure I could go on, but you get the idea.

You cannot charge PPO plans more than medicare plans or charge more (or less) to those who pay cash

Sounds good.

Won't work.

I get the utilization bit, don't buy it, neither does anyone else.

Not sure I follow. Utilization is a MAJOR factor in premiums, especially at renewal.
As AL#3 so wisely pointed out...we should judge all people by what part of the country they live in. In fact let's judge large groups of people by the actions of a few.
This must be the best way to see the world because AL#3 has more formal schooling than most of us so that means he's smarter.
Keep going AL#3. you're on a roll.