Sr. Life 72,F,NT Has $10k @ ~$65/month on a New Policy?

Does Senior Life's Super Prefered and Preferred both pay the same % of commission?

Or are you incentivised (is that a word?) to sell one over the other?
I'll let y'all know how it rolls Monday or Tuesday when I see the old girl.

I have a one-up already as the woman's deceased husband died during the contestability period and only returned the premiums -- he had Senior Life for 15 months prior to dying.

She's definitely interested in seeing what's possible, though. I'll make sure to report what I discover.
I'll let y'all know how it rolls Monday or Tuesday when I see the old girl.

I have a one-up already as the woman's deceased husband died during the contestability period and only returned the premiums -- he had Senior Life for 15 months prior to dying.

She's definitely interested in seeing what's possible, though. I'll make sure to report what I discover.

It's in the bag for you...No way she doesn't move the business over to you..