STANDARD for Parkinsons?

Average phone call is about 20 minutes from last I've heard. The real benefit is if the client is NOT going to qualify for what you're applying for they'll stop the interview and counter offer versus the other carriers that will take you out 20 to 25 minutes before you get an adverse decision.
Its personal, but its not. I personally choose to do business with companies that make my life easier. Fair underwriting and rates, good customer service and stand behind their promise. (Sounds rather like what Assurity says on their hold recording).

And as soon as I find a company that no longer lives up to that, I give them the boot. Or if I find a new company that does I add them.

However, I definitely would avoid a company if I had prior dealings with a key executive and he had shown himself unworthy of my business.

What I find funny is how some agents get bent out of shape because your favorite isn't there favorite. We all pick our favorites one way or another, who cares if another agent has a different preference? While I like to learn from the experiences of others, I don't need to be a carbon copy of another person.

Personal Attack.



The beauty of Fex is that no one really cares who you write. Just write the biz. Use who you want. It's the free enterprise system at it's best.



They are still looking at how to go about doing it the right way.

Interesting. I know some of my competitors have picked them up, just havent heard much, which I assumed was a good thing.

We write for NGL (who owns Settlers) too, and I couldnt say enough good things about our experience with them.
Interesting. I know some of my competitors have picked them up, just havent heard much, which I assumed was a good thing.

We write for NGL (who owns Settlers) too, and I couldnt say enough good things about our experience with them.

Is the NGL guaranteed issue though? That would have to speed things up a bunch.
Price is one of the last things I care to look at when I decide what carrier will be in my portfolio. I only work with carriers that make my life easier, and most carriers severely lack on the technology side, which is extremely important for running a final expense call center.
Price is one of the last things I care to look at when I decide what carrier will be in my portfolio. I only work with carriers that make my life easier, and most carriers severely lack on the technology side, which is extremely important for running a final expense call center.

Yeah, but in this situation we are talking about a GI product. I doubt very seriously that NGL will be easier to deal with than Gerber or AIG.
Yeah, but in this situation we are talking about a GI product. I doubt very seriously that NGL will be easier to deal with than Gerber or AIG.

Considering we are the only group selling for them over the telephone, and they've pretty much terminated their entire face to face sales force, we have a pretty good working relationship.