Starting my Own Agency

What does that mean? Sorry

Okay imagine you're going in a commission structure and you get a 10%.
So you sell a policy at 300 you get 30 woo! But anyone know s you can have up days and low days.

The tree rate says you get 5$ for the first 10 cars, 15 for the next 10, and 25 from then on. Plus you get an hourly rate as well so you have money coming in at all times. Because once black Friday happens your new car policies will be rare until a few weeks after Christmas.
I want to sell life and health as well and maybe dmv but I dont think I have all the knowledge I should

Just like in any career path, you need to investigate industry and position.
1. Try Google "insurance agent job description".
2. Intern/work for an agency.
3. Call agents and simply ask for career advice. Be polite & just ask for a few minutes of their time.
4. In order for you to "sell" insurance, you need to get licensed.

Best of luck!