Startup Costs For Telesales

Right, the bottom line is it'd take much more than 40 dials to work 40 leads. Regardless of when, that would be the long term metric (ideally in units of time) needed to be captured (for comparison purposes).

Another thing, a couple times you brought up all the chit chat, small talk, and rapport needed for face to face selling. My understanding is that more is needed when selling over the phone, since you're not capitalizing on body language and cool shades to put the prospect at ease. I think Greg used to mention that.

For outbound FE tele-sales you will need a longer warm up than face 2 face (doesn't matter if it's a door knock or appointment you set). It's been a few days since they responded to the TV commercial and they've started to cool off. You need that warm up to bring their buying temperature backup to where it was when they first called the TV commercial.

For inbound FE tele-sales you can get by with a much shorter warm up than face 2 face. When it's a live transfer that's a lead that can't be any fresher nor any hotter. They've not started to cool off (as they would if you're making first contact with them a few days after they called the TV commercial). So after 60 sec. of warm up you can get down to business.
This thread reminds me of the heated debates I used to have with JD and a few others up here a few years ago concerning FE tele-sales. Most everyone thought it was a failed model (even though they had never even tried it for themselves).

I was the lone wolf up here saying it worked....and worked very well. Now there are lots of companies and agencies getting their feet wet. Imagine

So which is better? Field sales or tele-sales? I've seen 20K+ face to face producers who struggled with tele-sales. I've also seen a few great tele-sales agents struggle with face to face sales, just not as many. If you're good (or better) at tele-sales then you will kill it face to face. Happens every long as you put in the same effort and keep the same positive attitude while sitting in a nasty environment.

With tele-sales you can get more presentations in per 40 hour week than with face 2 face sales, but your closing % will be a little lower. With face 2 face sales your closing % will be higher but with less presentations per 40 hours.

A polished FE tele-sales agent can get bank info over the phone fairly easy all day long where as the untrained will falter at this part of their tele-sales presentation. Not knowing how to nonchalantly get the bank info will knock some agents out of the tele-sales arena.

EX: "My children told me to never give my bank info to strangers over the phone". If an agent hears this then they screwed up about 1-3 minutes beforehand. They just didn't know what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. If you know what to say then you will never hear this objection. This is not an exaggeration, but the correct wording applies to checking accounts only, not to savings accounts. If your tele-sales upline can't explain the mechanics of how you eliminate this problem then you may have the wrong tele-sales upline. Wouldn't you agree?

Hint: If you do hear "my children told me to never give my bank info to strangers over the phone" (because you were not trained properly by your upline) you can still recover by saying: "That's fine Ms. Jones, why don't you do like everyone else is doing this week"? Then hush up. Ms. Jones will then say "what's that". Then you'll say "just mail your check in to the (your city) office. Go grab a pen and paper and I'll give you the address. (Don't ask her, nicely tell her).

When she comes back with her pen and paper give her your address (office, home,etc.). Repeat the address back again for accuracy. Then say "Ms. Betty, put 'attention Greg' anywhere on the envelope. That way it'll come to my desk and I'll be the one to call you back and let you know your check arrived safe and sound".

When the check arrives and you call Ms. Betty back, you can then finish everything. With Sr. Life Ins. Co.all we do is a 4-5 minute recording on our ipad. After the call is completed we hit "submit" and everything goes to the home office.

The important metric is not ROI that others talk about. It's your acquisition costs per hour. That means your profit per hour. Combination of lead dollars spent per premium dollar (PPL) per hour.