Steve Leads?

I would like to know what the average appointment and sales are from Steve, and Jane leads, to whoever uses them regularly. Thanks in advance for your time to answer.

I was just talking to a local agent that's not been having a lot of luck with dM leads so he ordered up some Steve leads.

This is his first full week of using them and using only them and he's at $4100 ap for the week as of 30 minutes ago and he's in the field today.
Thanks for the info, I was thinking about trying these while I am waiting for my DM leads to start rolling in.
Thanks for the info, I was thinking about trying these while I am waiting for my DM leads to start rolling in.

Listening to the Steve/Jane leads is entertaining.

I've been using them to supplement my DM. As someone else mentioned I found more success with them after increasing my order and using alarger quantity of them. You just have to dig through a few more flakes to get to the good stuff.