Sunfire inaccuracies


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
What a pain in the rear. Seeing a lot of errors with physician and hospital network statuses with various carriers. What's the point of having this all-in-one platform if I have to go to each carrier to verify the accuracy of what I'm looking at? I really don't want to port everything over to another system...not that there are that many options. Anybody have tricks to ease this?
One of the positives of only selling in a local area, fewer carriers/plans to keep up with and verify. I have no idea how a nationwide call center could possibly give accurate recommendations
I work in 14 states, five of which have state managed exchanges. I have never seen a third party database, including the state databases, what was more than 80% accurate. The carriers blame the third parties for not updating changes promptly; the third parties blame the carriers for not providing updates promptly. This isn't going to change anytime soon. In some states, the geography covered by a carrier or the doctor network are so limited that you can effectively disregard them. Or a company carries an F rating with the Better Business Bureau -- yes, I've seen that. It's a lot of work checking the carrier databases, but you just have to do it right. Morally, if you take on a client, you own them your best. (And there are clients you really don't want; to have a successful business, you need to know how to identify them and politely refer them out.)
Or AI bots, for that matter. The big carriers are looking for ways to reduce people in insurance to boost profits. However, the regulators aren't busting the big carriers; everyone is squeezing the agents.
Connecture and sunfire has never been accurate for doctor lookup. I highly doubt, or hope, that no one uses it for that.

The only accurate doctor lookup is Search and save, or go to each carrier.
Collectively, we agents seem to put up with a lot of nonsense and crap. Where's the power?
Had a PPO plan show a $0 premium only to apply and show a premium of $39. That was fun...