Been looking very closely at both business models, but am still a bit confused. Why would someone begin to write business through Smart Choice and allow them to take an upfront 30% cut (capped at 15k annually) verses writing through Superior Access and taking 100% of first year commissions and only giving Superior 20% (uncapped) on second year (and ongoing) renewals....Superior Access doesn't put your name on the policy, but does this really make a difference if eventually once you build up your P and C clients you can just then get direct contracts anyway? What gives between these two P and C distributors / brokers? What am I missing? Does Superior Access then take all renewal commissions if you eventually get direct carrier contracts? This is paramount for me as I currently don't have a P and C client base.
Please, the P and C side of this business is new for me, I am the HealthGuy. Need some veteran P and C help. Thanks in advance. I would like to keep this thread focused only on the pros and cons of these two organizations only.
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Up to 45 views and NO comments, man this must be a boring topic. Sorry guys!
There are other alternatives to both. I've been with Superior Access and I was not happy at all. First, they bait you with a $25.00 monthly fee just for access. Then they bumped that to $100.00 again just for access. If you write something you better make a lot of commission to offset the $1200 annual cost, then there's the commission they get off your business and they control it. Just because they show that they offer some of the top companies you WILL NOT have access to all those carriers markets/products. Almost every single risk we called them about they didn't have a market for even though we knew Travelers would write that type risk we were told no market. Why? Not sure. Now if you are totally independent and don't have to place any business with your primary carrier they may work out better that's not my situation. I have an open door for commercial because my primary carrier has such a narrow appetite. If they even still offer the $25 mo subscription I'd say give it a whirl and throw everything you can at them to see how open their markets really are. If it's not too productive take a hike. There are lots of general agencies like Texas All Risk, Burns & Wilcox where you can get your commercial business placed and not have to pay an access fee. They all want volume so pick your partner well. We have problems getting quotes turned around quickly with Burns & Wilcox so try Texas All Risk they have an online rater and it's free. Good luck, if you think health is a pain, welcome to commercial. Prozac is on aisle 3.