Superior Access Vs. Smart Choice

What is the big deal (I dont know the answer) about binding authority?? No, Superior Access I think has the binding authority, not the agent, but who cares, can't people normally wait 24 hours to get a policy issued?

The big deal is as the agent you will not see the CLUE reports, you will not have access to their underwriting manuals so your quotes will not be accurate. You'll quote a price to the customer, wait a day or so for the firm quote to come back, and then try to explain to your customer why the rate increased so much. Also, you can't call your underwriter and talk with them. They want you to correspond only through their dashboard and it makes you feel like an *** when you have a customer sitting in front of you. I have been using Superior Access for the last 9 months and they have worked okay for me, but only because I didn't have enough experience to get direct appointments. They do have a new service here in AR where you can pay a $25 fee and get a firm quote back a little quicker. It's really not a good fit if you have a lot of customers that need proof of insurance quickly.
I have been looking into both of these and I am curious also. One of my biggest questions is are they comparable to the agency next door who has a direct contract? They told me they have national contracts with their carriers which may or may not be the same premium? Since you have signed up already can you give me some feedback?
Is it true with Superior that nothing shows up at the Bureau of Insurance? I am a captive agent and am interested in Superior, but don't want to risk my other business. Thanks
If you are new, I think Superior Access is better then others. I've been using it for few months, no complaints really. For the carriers you get, they are worth it.
I am very familiar with Superior Access and would love to answer any questions for anyone just curious to learn a bit more about the service. A lot of these posts are outdated and have certainly changed since they were posted.

Some highlights about Superior Access;

• Faster Turnaround Time - Quote turnaround time is only 2-4 hours
• Comparative Rater - EZLynx, allows you to get an immediate quote for customers who are in front of you
• OWN Your Book of Business - You completely own your own Book of Business
• No Long Term Contract – Agreements are month to month

Call me directly at 512-637-8633 to discuss.