Supreme Court Rejects Health Care Challenge

Some states, like TX and NC are also getting very aggressive with online sales outfits like Amazon. I believe both states have filed suit.
Everyone once in a while there will be an article in a MD paper about how the police stopped someone coming back from Delaware (no sales tax) with a bunch of stuff. Apparently it's illegal in MD to drive to Delaware for the specific reason to buy stuff in order to avoid the MD sales tax.

It is illegal in every state. Every so often, a person in TN gets busted for going to Kentucky or Virginia and stocking up on cigarettes or liquor. Tax evasion is tax evasion, it doesn't matter how you do it.
Nasty stuff:

"In March, however, the Revenue Department threatened to hold a civil contempt hearing for Amazon if the company doesn't also turn over the names and addresses of anybody in North Carolina who has purchased goods off its website since August 2003, according to the suit. The company said that amounts to nearly 50 million purchases." Customer Discussions: amazon sues the state of nc over customer data
Bob, reread the quote. The Supreme Court isn't ruling on the merits of the case.

Got it the first time. I was merely opining on the general merit of the case.

police stopped someone coming back from Delaware (no sales tax) with a bunch of stuff.

Growing up in east Tennessee, my father used to drive to Cherokee, NC and buy cigarettes to avoid the tax. He claimed if he bought enough it was worth the 4 hour round trip and we got to see the scenery along the way.

I think there was a Soprano episode where Chris was running cigs from NC to NJ.
Growing up in east Tennessee, my father used to drive to Cherokee, NC and buy cigarettes to avoid the tax. He claimed if he bought enough it was worth the 4 hour round trip and we got to see the scenery along the way.

As a child, I remember driving across the river to buy alcohol in West Memphis, AR.

We may not have an income tax or state property tax in TN, but we make up for it in other ways. We have one of the highest, if not the highest sales tax, and high (for the South) tobacco and alcohol taxes.

The ABCs enforcement division is not to enforce drinking laws, but to enforce the taxation of liquor. They let the local beer board run you through the ringer on getting the license and busting establishments for underage drinking.
As a child, I remember driving across the river to buy alcohol in West Memphis, AR.

They let children drive in west Tennessee? And I thought east TN was lax.

Guess they didn't card you when you got to W. Memphis to buy your booze.
In PA ther revenoors would scout the liquor stores over the bridge in NJ for cars with PA tags whose owners were there shopping for lower prices. In PA liquor sales have been a state monoply since 1933 when prohibition was repealed. The "state stores" have been getting more competitive, but lots of folks still go to NJ and DE for their booze.