For me personally, I would rather have fewer leads with more quality.
90 leads per week is too much even if most are tire kickers. They still take up time.
My preference would be 30 leads per week filtered in a similar fashion to my internet leads.
No one under age 25 or over age 60.
Currently insured.
Must be insurable (not pregnant, taking 29 medications, just arrived in this country and is waiting on their green card or on life support and already rejected by 12 carrieres including Mega & United American).
Has a real source of income other than their welfare check.
Has a valid, working phone number and email address.
I would be very interested in your policy on crediting bum leads and would like to know what you consider a bum lead.
I would also prefer business leads vs. consumer leads but we can discuss that further.
I personally have never had much luck with hiring telemarketing firms. I'm always willing to give it a try again if I find a reason it would be different. Heck, you've got to find business somewhere, and I'm pretty lousy at pure telemarketing.
The leads you describe would be totally awesome. The question is though, from a marketer prospective, how would they make a profit? You're either paying by the hour, or by the lead. By the hour, it doesn't matter, but by the lead, this much screening will probably eliminate 80% of the leads, meaning the cost would have to go up to (I'm guessing) $40-$50 a lead. This actually isn't bad, if you have an interested and qualified prospect, you would probably have a decent closing ratio.
My previous attempts at hiring telemarketers have been at the $7-$10 an hour range, and I found it worth far less than that. I've always wondered if it is a case of you get what you pay for, and if paying a bit better would get me a decent flow of decent leads.
Yes, I'm always looking for the shortcut, no, I never find it.....