I grew up with the knowledge that at any given moment, a massive thermonuclear war might already be underway, vaporizing the planet, killing all life, destroying the ecosystem and likely every record of human existence, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Every second there was the possibility that the next second might bring a very bright light and the end of the world. The only thing stopping it was government bureaucrats who couldn't hack it in the real world and weren't very bright.

So the climate crisis is a complete yawner.
My grand daughter is in her third year of college. She goes to some graphic arts school called SCADS over in Savannah. I can't remember what all that stands for so when people ask me where she goes I just tell them she goes to Hogwarts.

About this time last year, she came home on a full-blown Greta kick about the climate, global warming and all the rest.

I sent her this article. It gives a Biblical perspective on the current climate arguments. It's a rather lengthy read but it's something you'll never see on CNN.

Down here in south Georgia, we have climate change all the time. We call them Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall.


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I sent her this article. It gives a Biblical perspective on the current climate arguments. It's a rather lengthy read but it's something you'll never see on CNN.

Down here in south Georgia, we have climate change all the time. We call them Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall.

Who better to comment on climate than people who believe the Earth is only 10,000 years old!

You're thinking of seasons, by the way. Weather and climate are not one and the same.
I grew up with the knowledge that at any given moment, a massive thermonuclear war might already be underway, vaporizing the planet, killing all life, destroying the ecosystem and likely every record of human existence, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Every second there was the possibility that the next second might bring a very bright light and the end of the world. The only thing stopping it was government bureaucrats who couldn't hack it in the real world and weren't very bright.

So the climate crisis is a complete yawner.

We had air raid drills at our school and practiced hiding under our desks in the event of a nuclear bomb.

Desks in the 50's were much better than now and could protect us against the H-bomb . . . in much the same way that a paper mask protects us from one of the most deadly viruses in recent history . . .
We had air raid drills at our school and practiced hiding under our desks in the event of a nuclear bomb.

Desks in the 50's were much better than now and could protect us against the H-bomb . . . in much the same way that a paper mask protects us from one of the most deadly viruses in recent history . . .


That is a perfect analogy

I just saw a news article woman slapping and berating an 80-year-old guy over a mask

I was just thinking with all the masks and vaccines we are in worse shape now than a year ago Yet so many have so much faith in whats failing

That is a perfect analogy

I just saw a news article woman slapping and berating an 80-year-old guy over a mask
Left wing idiots. If some one is not wearing a mask and you think they should be, why not just avoid them? Nooooo... They have to get right in their face to confront them so that if the person is contagious they increase their chances of exposure.. :wacko:

That is a perfect analogy

I just saw a news article woman slapping and berating an 80-year-old guy over a mask

I was just thinking with all the masks and vaccines we are in worse shape now than a year ago Yet so many have so much faith in whats failing
This scam Plandemic is all about power and control. The more control they get, the harder it will be to get it back.

The only time I wear a mask is when I have to at the doctor's office or the hospital. More and more people are refusing to wear the face diaper.
We had air raid drills at our school and practiced hiding under our desks in the event of a nuclear bomb.

Desks in the 50's were much better than now and could protect us against the H-bomb . . . in much the same way that a paper mask protects us from one of the most deadly viruses in recent history . . .
I remember those drills. I also remember the tornado drills. They would take us out in the hall and tell us to sit on the floor with our knees under our chins and to not look up. I remember looking up and seeing nothing but a long line of glass window panes on the other wall. What got me through such a traumatic experience was thinking that somewhere up north of me was a kid sitting under his desk trying to dodge a nuclear bomb.

As far as masks go, when Covid first came to town, my daughter told me to go buy a mask. So I did. I went to a local novelty store and bought a couple of Lone Ranger masks. I love it when someone tells me that I need to put my mask on.
Strongly suggest that you all watch the video "Kiss the Ground." That being said, we truly control very little in life. A simple virus up ends the world as we know it, but somehow we think we have the answers for 'global warming'? :skeptical:

We are traveling around on a ball of liquid iron, we live very close to a nuclear furnace, and we have vast evidence of a cataclysmic past caused by societies that didn't drive SUVs... and some how we get the idea that paper straws, electric cars and protest are going to influence all that.

And God smiles...
Can't hurt!