Strongly suggest that you all watch the video "Kiss the Ground." That being said, we truly control very little in life. A simple virus up ends the world as we know it, but somehow we think we have the answers for 'global warming'? :skeptical:

We are traveling around on a ball of liquid iron, we live very close to a nuclear furnace, and we have vast evidence of a cataclysmic past caused by societies that didn't drive SUVs... and some how we get the idea that paper straws, electric cars and protest are going to influence all that.

And God smiles...
Are you saying, The Medieval Warm Period or the Little ice age that followed before the Industrial Revolution is from a time warp?

This isn't the dunk you think it is. Temperatures have risen globally in the last 50 years well beyond what certain regions experienced during the MWP. Not caused by the same mechanisms.
This isn't the dunk you think it is. Temperatures have risen globally in the last 50 years well beyond what certain regions experienced during the MWP. Not caused by the same mechanisms.

They have risen and Dropped in various places for the last 50 years that's why they changed it to climate change because warming didn't cut it

There was snow in Hawaii recently

remember in the 70's the were worried about and Ice age

Point is there is only one thing constant about Climate over time, It is Change always has been always will be just the small amount of time we have lived in an industrialized society we are not as well equipt to deal with it

we should expect to have to eventually just based on history

In addition that was just one example there are many other periods
"You're absolutely right, it could go dead much sooner for anyone trying to power a family around town daily, and taking road trips on weekends."
If you keep your battery on a charging schedule you should realize the expected life of the battery, of course things happpen.....gas cars too!
If I am not mistaken my battery has an 8 year warranty or 100k miles.
Based on my usage that's about 15 years.
Whether or not you save long with a Tesla or any ev is debateable and only time will tell.
You buy it because you like the car.
Maybe you should drive one, might change your mind.
My friend wanted one but his wife absolutely hated it.
That's why you have choices.
Can't posibly be 15 years. It is 8 yers or 100k. Whichever comes first.
They have risen and Dropped in various places for the last 50 years that's why they changed it to climate change because warming didn't cut it

No. Certain people had difficulty understanding the concept of what global warming is and does to our planet. So some people started using an easier to understand name for it.

Scientific data has always shown a warming trend ever since the industrial revolution.


We were actually in a cooling trend before the industrial revolution. So we literally reversed the trend the earth was in before we started burning fossil fuels...

There was snow in Hawaii recently

There always has been snow in Hawaii at elevations above 9000 feet.

There is snow all over the globe no matter the location when elevations exceed 9000 feet.

remember in the 70's the were worried about and Ice age

No they werent. It was a theory posed by a single study that was examining a single point in time. Most of the scientific community disagreed with the findings. Just because news outlets published articles about it does not mean it was considered scientific fact.

The existing studies that looked at much more info over a much longer period all refuted that study. And in a few short years, temperatures on earth proved that studies predictions incorrect as well.

Even the author of the original news article published about the study said it was just a theory and not scientific fact. Both in the article and afterwards in many interviews.

Point is there is only one thing constant about Climate over time, It is Change always has been always will be just the small amount of time we have lived in an industrialized society we are not as well equipt to deal with it

And it has never changed this rapidly except under extraordinary circumstances, such as a super volcano erupting or asteroid hitting the earth.

And the oil companies dont agree with you. They just cover up the truth: Geoffrey Supran.pdf

(This is a presentation by a harvard professor who thoroughly documented the studies oil companies performed and then denied existed. It was recently presented to Congressional Committees)

This article summarizes much of it:
Big oil and gas kept a dirty secret for decades. Now they may pay the price

"In 1979, an Exxon study said that burning fossil fuels “will cause dramatic environmental effects” in the coming decades.

“The potential problem is great and urgent,” it concluded."
If we are. Why was there climate change long before we were here?

Well that's the point I'm trying to make. There are climate changes whether we are here on this earth or not. However, I do think we do many things that are not good for the environment...and we should look into alternative ways. However, we are not the root cause of this at all.