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Lefties who believe global warming is real and the way to save the planet is to have everything powered by rare earth batteries
Shall we just continue using 100 year old technology then? If so, why not horses instead of cars (as many said during the first decade of auto use)? Pen and paper instead of laptops?
Shall we just continue using 100 year old technology then? If so, why not horses instead of cars (as many said during the first decade of auto use)? Pen and paper instead of laptops?

Most people laughed at cars initially. They had to buy this strange liquid stuff called "gasoline", it was hard to find and expensive... very impractical. They had to crank the engine to start it, much harder than just jumping on a horse or a buggy and going. Buying gas was much more expensive than buying feed for the horse. Replacement parts were expensive and hard to find. It was a novelty that only rich people owned. Then suddenly it was the norm. Now in most places in the US, its very hard to survive or thrive without one.

The only thing that stays the same in life is that things change.
I don't mind the new EV technology whatsoever. The EV cars are remarkably fast and apparently fun to drive. What bothers me is the propaganda being pushed to encourage the retail switchover to EV's and the overall move to electricity.

In California for example, the democrat controlled government (legislature & governor) have scheduled to close certain natural gas fired power plants to limit greenhouse gases. Meanwhile, they buy electricity from nearby Western states that produce their power using fossil fuels. Additionally, the grid is so weak the power companies currently advertise on tv and billboards to limit electricity use between the hours of 4-9 pm to prevent power rotations (brown outs). During those hours the price per kWh doubles. What will happen when more and more people charge their EV's? I recently needed to replace my two AC units and both furnaces at a cost of $26,000. The California Central Valley and other counties have outlawed gas fired furnaces and I was required to purchase heat pumps. I was surprised I was able to buy a gas stove during our kitchen remodel, but I've heard that's next to be axed. It seems to me they're putting the horse before the cart because the power grid infrastructure is inadequate to supply the current demand.

At a certain point, the nightly charging of EV's, the cooling of homes, the cooking on electricity, and the heating of homes using electricity will be too much of a strain on the grid. The cost per kWh will increase so much that the EV customer will be required to seriously pay up to charge the EV. All major public utilities are losing money to solar customers and are currently going back to the well for additional rate increases which will be decided next month. Let the buggy whip companies change or go out of business, but the grid in the United States is not up to the task.
Driving an EV creates 0 pollution, because you just plug it into the wall instead of burning fossil fuels. It's the same way you can eliminate cruelty to animals by buying your meat at the grocery store, instead of being mean and hunting them. Personally, I do my part to discourage cutting down trees by just buying my lumber at the hardware store.

Batteries (Edison) for industrial and automotive and the nuclear reactors (fermi) that will be part of the necessary framework for all of the charging stations are not "new technology". The massive size of the batteries(for consumer use) and the notable increase in toxic battery and nuclear waste will be something new.

The only way I can see this would be good for the environment is if most people, after being educated on what is involved in battery manufacturing and nuclear waste disposal, stopped driving and started riding horses again.
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stopped driving and started riding horses again.

Horse hockey!

Imagine still thinking anthropogenic climate change is a hoax in the year 2021. Stick to Medicare, man.

Can you explain the polar ice caps on Mars? What kind of cars are they driving?

The (earth) ice ages started 2.4 million years ago and ended 11,500 years ago. What kind of man made pollution ended the ice ages?

Perhaps you should stick to Medicare, man . . .
The (earth) ice ages started 2.4 million years ago and ended 11,500 years ago. What kind of man made pollution ended the ice ages?

The only natural causes in the past that caused this much change to our climate in such a short amount of time.... were giant asteroids hitting the earth or super volcanoes erupting (which are half a continent large).

Both of those things caused wide scale extinctions of the dominant living species on earth.

Human induced climate change has been equal to a giant asteroid hitting the earth or a super volcano erupting. Which are both one in a millennia type of occurrences for this planet.
Can you explain the polar ice caps on Mars? What kind of cars are they driving?

Considering that the climate and atmospheric makeup of Mars is very different than that of Earth, the question is not very relevant.

The ice on mars is not even the same chemical composition as the ice on earth... the tilt of the planet to the sun is different than that of earth.... the atmosphere is 1000x thinner than the earths... etc. etc. etc.

However, here is your answer: https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Space_Science/Mars_Express/Mars_polar_cap_mystery_solved

Mars is Melting | Science Mission Directorate