There are 20 moving parts in a motor vs 2000 in an ICE. Which do you think is more efficient at converting its "fuel" into energy? Asking for a friend.

You are missing the point, I do not care to get into a discussion of this topic. Merely pointing out the error in your response.
What we all need to do is trust the science. Decades ago we were being warned about global cooling. Scratch that. Then it was global warming. Scratch that. Now it's climate change. I guess we are supposed to trust them this time? At least we have celebrities and politicians to fly their private jets from their mansions to events to remind us of the the facts like climate change we need to be focused on.
Warming and cooling are both examples of climate change. Interpretation is based on where you live on the planet. The climate change term also allows for the inclusion of both wind events (tornados, hurricanes, etc) and water related events such as droughts, flooding and erosion.
You are missing the point, I do not care to get into a discussion of this topic. Merely pointing out the error in your response.
Your arguments are very narrow in scope, which minimizes the pro's and con's of the EV debate.
Your arguments are very narrow in scope, which minimizes the pro's and con's of the EV debate.

I did not make any arguments either for or against, rather I pointed out an error in your reply. As a courtesy to you I will point out that your reply is a non sequitur. Continuing to post such replies may lead some on this forum to consider you stupid.
such replies may lead some on this forum to consider you stupid.

Warming and cooling are both examples of climate change. Interpretation is based on where you live on the planet. The climate change term also allows for the inclusion of both wind events (tornados, hurricanes, etc) and water related events such as droughts, flooding and erosion.

Exactly this is why they changed from global warming because they didn't have enough explanations to keep it up

Climate change is inclusive of everything warming cooling and everything in between

The truth is the history of the earth is full of climate change, Its natural, The only difference is since we have a modern society we are not as much adaptable to the changes

Still does not make it mad made
6,000 years ago the Sahara was tropical, and now its a desert. Did ICE cars do that?
use that cape of yours & create ICE cars made of ICE so when they are used, they cool the environment around it. It wont need to be a very big car, just big enough to car pool with the lollipop guild
What we all need to do is trust the science. Decades ago we were being warned about global cooling. Scratch that. Then it was global warming. Scratch that. Now it's climate change. I guess we are supposed to trust them this time? At least we have celebrities and politicians to fly their private jets from their mansions to events to remind us of the the facts like climate change we need to be focused on.
There has always been and always will be climate change. The question is, "Is man responsible for it?"... Can we do anything to prevent it? I really doubt EVs are going to make any difference.... As for the "science", it has been all over the place as you say. I, too, remember the global cooling hysteria that they try to deny now. But there was a great uproar over the coming ice age. They missed that and moved onto global warming. That did not take place like they predicted so now they cover all bases with "climate change".. :err: